Chapter 1

416 9 6

Adam P.o.v.

Sunlight is seeping through the window , Making the room glow and its resident  groan.

Monday mornings are always hard for the resident of this room. After 2 nights and 1 day of drinking and sex ,  hangovers take over the new day, umm. Always.

" Argh , why in this holy world , the windows are open." I groaned,  while burying my head in the pillow. My head is literally going to explode. It's paining like a bitch.

" Hello, sweetie.  Want to go for 5th round." Screeched a voice near my head. Oh my god , the screeching increased my headache. But I have to open my eyes unfortunately.

" Get out of my bed. You are already paid for your service Miss, so you can leave the penthouse. " I said while clutching my head.

" Ufff Press rightly call you , The Demon Playboy. Anyways ,atleast I got the taste of your junk.  Hope we can meet again so we both can pleasure eachother again( giggle). See ya." The girl said while waving her hands.

" Martin" I shouted my housekeepers name. And heard footsteps approaching my room.

" Yes , Sir ." He said while opening my door.

" Ensure that lady who left my room is out of the house  and ask the securities to  put her in blocked list. " I told him

" I am on it sir. Anything else sir." He asked.

" Ask the chef to make hangover drink for me and breakfast and please deliver it in my room ." I waved him off after that.

Ring Ring

My phone started blasting, I started
Groaning .
I saw Dylan is calling me.

" Hello bro." He said overexcitedy. Well You see he is my best friend . He is billionaire like me and we both co- own Royalty Buisness Corporation.  He is also party animal like me but this weekend he went to see his family , that's why he is not suffering from consequences and called me to irritate the hell out of me.

" What the hell , Dyl. I swear if you just called to irritate me, I will kill you." I said while gritting my teeth.

"Hahaha , bro you can never kill me. I am the only friend you have. Who will help you get wife. Who will tell you how to perform in your first night , if I died huh.  " He said while increasing my headache.

" Shut up, now to tell me ,Why you called or I am hanging up." I Said while drinking smoothie Martin delivered just now. I am feeling little better now.

" Ok Ok, Our Hotel in Russia is hosting some modelling event and the manager called to inform me that one of us needs to preside over the event. Before you hang up and say it's not  your duty, let me inform you , I am going to Dubai for deal with Sheikh Oil Corporation today itself.  So you are going to Russia and your flight is at 7.00 pm today as I am called dibs on company private jet . Bye." He hung up before I can lash my anger on him.

Fuck , I am hungover and now this. Even no private jet. You must be wondering why I don't have personal jet, I do have one, same with dyl but both our jet are in service centre. Whatever I will check the working of my Airplane company while going in them.

Let's go.

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