¤~Ω|| Chapter Three | Escape ||Ω~¤

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"Come back here you stupid demigod!" He bellowed while chasing behind, Six gulped, he knows. After all, the Janitor can smell anything like some kind of police dog.

The horse huffed before hopping onto the stack of crates, clambering up to the top one and hopped onto a pipe that connected a bit vent. Six watched the Janitor follow far below and walk by. She sighed out in relief and dismounted the horse, walking carefully over to the edge of the pipe to see the coast is clear.

"Well that was close."

Six jolted and nearly slipped from that action. She turned and gasped to see from what once was a horse was now a child. He was a boy - seemly older than Six, probably eleven - with a brown paperbag over his head, a brown trenchcoat, light brown shirt and pants that are ankle high. Six yelped and backed away from the boy.

"What the hell?!" She shouted, "WHO ARE- Mph?!" She was cut off when the boy covered her mouth with his hand and placed his other hand on his mouth on a gesture to be silent. Although his face was hidden from the paperbag, she felt him glare at her to shut up, "The Janitor will hear you idiot," he warned, "Be silent."

"Mph mph mphmphm mph!" Six tried to talk saying, "Okay now let me go!" while his hand still covered her mouth. The boy sighed, "You won't scream?"

Six shook her head.

The boy nodded, "Okay, don't scream or I'll frikin tape your mouth," he said and let go of Six's mouth, letting her finally talk. She looked over the boy and came with one conclusion.

"You're a demigod aren't you?" Six asked and the boy nodded, "Yeah, I heard a bit of you're conversation with the other one. We should help him," he said.

"Who are you?" Six asked and the boy froze up a bit like his own life was embarrassing to tell. He took a deep breath, "I'm Mono," Mono answered and Six nodded, "And I'm Six. I'm a demigod like you and Hecate is my parent... Who is your god parent?" She asked.

Mono once again froze, like he expected that question and glared at Six like she asked something classified. He sighed and grumbled, "Son of.... Artemis," he mumbled the last part completely not wanting anyone to hear, yet Six did and she dropped her jaw.

"What?!" Six exclaimed not that loudly as before and Mono nodded while glaring up at her, "Yeah I know, how did I come to life? Don't ask that or I'll give you an embarrassing messed up thing called an explaination of my birth," He growled a bit while Six just continued to stare at him with her jaw wide open.

You see, Artemis, goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, is a maiden goddess. She must not have children from the start since, duh, maiden. Not once there was a child of Artemis in myth stories Six have heard or read.

"You're gonna catch flies with your mouth hung open like that," Mono pointed out and pushed up Six's lower jaw. Six blinked and squinted at him like she was trying watching him clearly, "You're a thought child aren't you?"

"Moving on," he said not wanting to answer that, "Let's save your friend," Mono said while turning to the edge of the pipes, "It'll be faster with me riding as a horse, so you get on," he said and Six nodded.

"Is that the power of being an Artemis kid? You turn to any animal?" Six asked and Mono nodded, "Yes, now we're gonna save the other kid or not?" He asked in a... 'mono'tone voice and Six nodded, "Yeah."

Author: I HAD TO.

Six: lololololololol

Seven: lololololol

Mono: ... I hate you.

Author: Go back to pranking the set Mono!

Mono hummed and black swirls covered him, turning him once into the brown horse with white dapples and a black mane. Mono neighed urgently and Six quickly climbed up to his back. Mono then hopped off the pipe, and off the crates, and they both ran off to one of the cage rooms. Luckily the door was still open, and Mono inched inside.

Mythical Nightmares || Little Nightmares AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن