Chapter Two

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That English Man

©All Rights Reserved

Hades Writes
~Louis ↑

Pikachu ^·^

Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

  "Mama please." Juan pleaded, it was 9:21 in the morning, yet Sofia still didn't listened to her daughter's pleading.

"Juan, I'm fine. Now, please tell your father that our drive will be here soon." Her mother says.

With a frustrated huff she stomped to her father's office and knocked twice.

"Come in." A stern voice replied. Slowly, she let herself in and shut the wooden door with a click.

"Father, our drive to the airport will be here soon." Juan said in a meek voice.

"I should be down in a minute. Thank you Juan." Her father says, his steel gaze didn't wavered from his worksheet.

"Yes, father." She closed the door quietly, silently thanking the heavens that he didn't said anything other than what he said seconds ago.

Juan walked through the hallway across family paintings and expensive sculptures trained in her thoughts.

Her head bumped into someones chest, she staggered back in utter fright and shift her gaze to an amused chocolate brown eyes.

"I'll never get tired of you not looking where your going." The young man says grinning uncontrollably while staring at Juan's horrified face.

"Luis, what are you doing here?." Juan asked while looking around panicking.

"Just checking on my ex lover before she leaves. What's the harm in that?." He says smirking, while cocking his eyebrows.

Juan grips his wrist and swiftly and dragged him in one of the guest rooms, once they're not in anyone's sight Juan turned to luis.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?.” she asked in a hushed tone.

Luis smirked secretly whilst taking a step back his hand reaching for the door.

It was nice talking to you Juan but I'm actually here to have a talk with your father.” He said smugly, opening the door, he turned around and strode through hallway heading for her father's office.

Juan stared dumbfounded, Luis and her father aren't a good mix.

Her father would continuously warned luis to stay away from his daughter when he found out they were secretly dating. As usual luis never listened and Juan didn't as well.

She would normally cringed remembering when luis almost took her v-card- but her mother burst in. Well, let's just say luis didn't got out without a brocken nose that night and almost no manhood.

Since then they cut things off the day after infront of his father, both mortified precisely.

They didn't made any contact after that, though Juan was tempted to sneak under her father's nose to call him, she couldn't. Her father isn't the only one watching.

Juan passed out an annoyed sigh and quickly walk downstairs and towards the front door where her mom, sisters and her cockatiel, pikachu was.

She was once introduced to a Japanese animation called Pokémon. She always watched the cute Pokémon in awe which it's named Pikachu, It's whole body coloured yellow and had orange spot on both side of his cheeks.

Since then, she really adored that Pokémon until she even wanted a Pikachu for herself. She whined in her mother's ears all day until her mother got fustrated and got a bird that almost looked like him instead.

Though Juan is 23, she can be... A little childish sometimes.

Took you a while.” Valeria said picking her manicured nails and chewing her gum annoyingly.

Sorry, was caught up in something.” Juan mumbled, she walked towards her bird's small black and white cage and kneeling to put her right hand into the cage, she slowly approach him with her index finger.

Pikachu stepped on her index finger and stared at her curiously with his black eyes.

She slowly standed up from her kneeling position and placed him on her shoulder.

Where is he?! He's taking a whole hour!.” Valentina exaggerated, Valeria rolled her eyes at her statement.

He'll soon be here honey, be patient.” Her mom says walking towards the brown leather couch which is close to the grand stairs.

Two minutes passed and finally her father and luis climbed down the stairs together.

Let's go.” Her father said nonchalantly walking towards the door, the old butler slowly opening the door.

They all gathered through the door and towards the limousine with the cage in Juan's hand.

Juan placed her cockatiel into the cage and tried to reassured him while placing herself into the seat beside Valeria, and the cage in her lap.

She knew she could place the cage in the trunk but she just wanted her only friend close to her to accompany her through the drive, if not whistle her favorite song, but Pikachu was too scared to even whistle a note.

Through the ride she softly reassured her pet bird, a few minutes after he calmed down and doze off to a peaceful sleep.

Juan sighed and stared at the buildings and cars passing by.


An hour of painful silence, they reached their destination, the airport.

Juan was having a hard time to masked her excitement. Just the mere thought of flying to another country- well state, Juan couldn't help but get funny jitters in the pit of her stomach.

She stared at the white private jet which belongs to her father, staring at it in awe she pushed the door of the black limousine open and stepped onto the smooth pavement, her black heels clicking with every step she took towards the jet.

When Juan heard a a door slammed shut from another vehicle, she couldn't help but turn her attention on the vehicle, stopping in her tracks, she stared at the handsome bastard which is no other than Louis.

Walking in her direction with a smug look on his face, his smooth voice sounding like soft music to her ears.

Do you think you could travel somewhere you didn't know without me, my dear Juan?.”

He winked and walked towards the plane with the others, leaving Juan standing in the same spot, traumatized with the cage in her hands.

Did father really allowed him to traveled with us?

Isn't this a family trip to visit gran?

Juan honey let's go, don't stand there.” Sofia said from a far distance but Juan still heard her loud and clear.

Good god, is he really coming?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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