Chapter Fourteen - Royal Wedding

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One year later...

Today was the day she was marrying Orm.

Today, Atlantis and the Surface would be officially joined. Well, at least to some people.  To others - Aurelia herself included - the land and sea had already been joined, as soon as Orvax's tyrannical rule had ended. And it had been peaceful and prosperous since then. 

Atlantis was theirs, hers and Orm's. Together they ruled. At first, the Atlantean folk were confused and perhaps even a little concerned about the unmarried King and Queen ruling together - especially with one of them titled 'Aquawoman' - however, they had come to warm to the change in ancient traditions after seeing how successful the new rulers were. 

The wedding would take place outside, with the human guests standing on the beach, and the Atlanteans in the water. 

Aurelia  had never been big on dressing up, but for her wedding she wanted to go all-out. Her wedding outfit was a white and silver pantsuit with a long skirt around the back, open in the front to show off the pants and shoes.

"We're not going to have to suba dive, are we?" Tom had joked during the long wedding planning process. 

"Ha, good one, Pops. Nope, there'll be enough of a mix of water and land to satisfy the humans and Atlanteans, I think." 

That really didn't seem like all that long ago - and now, here it was, the actual day upon them, the actual moment.

"You ready?" Tom, all suited-up in a suit and tie himself, came over to her and held out his arm, ready to walk her down the aisle.

"Yes." She took his arm. So ready.

"Awesome. Let's go find your mother."

One of Orm's high-tech ships surfaced, acting as the aisle. She was having both her parents walk her down the aisle to greet Orm, her soon-to-be-husband - her very soon-to-be-husband.

Vulko and Aria stood at Orm's sides, with Vulko leading the ceremony. "Surface Dwellers and Atlanteans, today we gather here at the bridge between Land and Sea to witness the union in marriage of our King and Queen." He turned to address the bride and groom.  "Please join hands." They did so, turning to face one another, both wearing giant smiles. "Queen Aurelia, do you take King Orm to be your husband?"

"I do."

"King Orm, do you take Queen Aurelia to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Then it is my honour and privilege to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss."

The bride kissed the groom, Aurelia grabbing Orm by the front of his suit as he was leaning in to kiss her. The guests applauded them - she heard Arthur cheering. 

They were married now - and not because of any ancient rule or arrangement, but for no other reason than they  themselves wanted to, and so they did. Ha, take that betrothal.

An ocean-side banquet followed, with some refreshments on board Orm's ship for the Atlaneans as well, especially those who could not breathe air as they could water. 

Much to Aurelia's delight, Arthur and Mera had hit it off right away. After explaining what 'hit it off' meant to Orm, as well as 'shipping', the two joyfully shipped the two.  Mera's sternness had been falling away more lately - probably all the time she had spent around Aurelia - and she loved Arthur's goofiness. Aurelia hoped all would continue to go well for them.

"Hey, are those real jellyfish?" Arthur asked, nodding to Mera's glowing dress. 

"Yes, they are." Mera looked from side to side at the colourful fish adorning her dress.

Arthur nodded.  "Cool." 

Aurelia  heard a nearby whistling and saw the three dolphin sisters poking their noses out of the water in greeting. "Hey, Girls. Glad you could make it!" More whistling.  "So, what d'ya think, Ladies?" she asked them, gesturing to her new husband who knelt down to greet the dolphins.

Daphne responded by spitting water in Orm's face. The three sisters whistled again, this sounding a lot like they were now howling with laughter. 

"That means they like you," Aurelia assured her husband. 

"Oh, good. I'm glad." He wiped his face with his sleeve, blinking the water from his eyes. 

The banquet led to dancing, the bride and groom taking the floor in the first dance. 

"What?" Orm asked to her chuckling as they swayed together.

"I'm just thinking about how we're basically giving a big middle finger to our whole original betrothal. We're like, 'hell yeah we're getting married, but on our own terms! Take that marriage arrangement!'"

He chuckled now too.   "So much of what you say sounds so strange, I'm still not used to it."

"Well you'd better get used to it, 'Ocean Master'. Cause now you're stuck with me."

He leaned in a pressed a tender kiss to the side of her head.  "I hope I never get used to it." 

As they continued to gently sway together, he began to sing softly to her.

"Baby, everything you are

Is everything I need

You're everything to me

Baby, every single part

Is who you're meant to be

'Cause you were meant for me

And you're everything I need..."

She smiled, nuzzling her face into his chest - she thought that summed it up very well. 

(Aww, love! ;) 

Only a couple chapters left in this story - and this series! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

Everything I Need - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterWhere stories live. Discover now