Did I Miss Something?

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Liana's POV:

I open my eyes with some difficulty and find myself back at Hayce's home.

I look down and see that I am lying on the large cat-bed beside the main bed which is rather too high for me to climb. I try to look up but it hurts my neck so I decide to move back a little to see if Hayce is up there.

But to my dismay he is not!.

Why am I so worried about him? Because I am extremely famished!.
The last thing I remember we were at some odd building sitting in some waiting room or something and then I dozed off without any care for my image, not like image matters as a pet...
As I sigh heavily with regret of his absence I bump into something soft behind me.

"Ahh",I give out a short lived scream and turn to run ahead but I am held in mid-air and turned around only to see Hayce's unique human-like eyes staring back into my own and it subconsciously makes me relax a little.

I glare at him as he lightly grins back at me, I shiver as I have never seen this expression on him before.


I call out confused as the person infront of me does not resemble the Hayce I know of.


He replies as his expression goes back to normal and I could see the former Hayce in him.
'What happened?,did I miss something?'. I wondered.

He holds me gently and takes me to the kitchen as he let's me sit on the counter and I watch him cook his food which I could only classify as eating colours...

Although he looks like he is working on something his eyes does not show any light it is as if he is absent-minded.
Just then he abruptly stops moving his hands as though lightning struck him and looks at me and smiles albeit I could see some 'sadness'? in them.

(A/N: Author's been lazy for weeks now!,sowwy....😆😇)


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