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Bleak: "Great, now I have two lumps of fat on my chest

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Bleak: "Great, now I have two lumps of fat on my chest."

Lucas: "I feel your pain."

Mystic:*slight nose bleed* "You look, wow, Is it hot in here?"

Michael: "No, it's just your arousal to him/her, them."


Randis: "Man Daxy you're really good at hiding I wonder where you are?"

Dax was hiding under the coffee table and Randis was pretending not to see him. Dax let out a little eep at the head pat. Knuckles was playing with an now adult Impulse, who is still wrapped in Bleak and Mystic clothes.

Randis: "I'm fine now. They were halfway done healing when that Lucas guy came and held the rest up. When they get here I'll finally get to make my others arm, might ask for some assistance."

The others appeared back 8n the living room.

Bleak: "Hello."

Impulse: "Bleaky glad your back! You have boobs now."

Impulse plays with the boobies some before Bleak hit his hands away. Impulse hugs both Bleak and Mystic as he buries his head in Bleak's neck.

Impulse: "Why'd you do that. I missed yooouu!"

Bleak: "You didn't ask permission, there are children in the room, and we are not in a private room."

Impulse: "Can I use the boobies as pillows later?"

Bleak: "We'll see."

Mystic: "Don't push your luck, love."

Dax suddenly got everyone, except his Dad, Bleak, Knuckles, andJune with paint balls.

Dax: "I win! Dada can I watch you make in wowkshop?"

Randis: "Sure, but you got to listen to me. Ritchie would you like to help?"

Ritchie: "Sure."

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