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Randis' body lays tense on the chair, his face contorted in pain. His voice letting out silent screams.

Knuckles knocked the uncle away from Randis and preceded to beat him up.
June and Dax got Randis out of the chair only to have his body whip around like crazy. Twisting and turning him pain. June did her best to keep him still. She had him in ther lap, whispering sweet words as she held him close.

Uncle: "I can't believe you came for that piece of-"

The uncle was cut off by

Dax punching him straight in the face.


Dax kept hitting him over and over again with his metal arm. He didn't stop until he was pulled off of the corpse, even then he still tries to get back to him. It wasn't until he heard a stained sound come from his father that he stopped.

Dax: "Old man wake up. Hey open your eyes when I'm talking to you old fart."

June: "He's not going to wake up and I don't know what they injected him with, we need to get him to the hospital."

Knuckles: "Right, Dax I need you too run ahead and alert our medic, June lo- I need you to grab that needle so we can examine what's left of the pure substance."

Impulse: "We finished clearing out the rest of the men."

They all left to the hospital. What they didn't catch was Randis slowly shrinking.

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