I wait a little to answer, forming the sentences in my head. My brain tells me to think twice and say 'nevermind' instead but curiosity gets the best of me, even though I hesitate to spill my words out.

"... Seonghwa and San... what exactly happened?"

I know I didn't want to hear it just yet. I wish none of it had happened but it wouldn't change what has passed despite how much I try to convince myself that by not hearing it makes it better.

"You haven't met a nurse who explained it to you?" Yoonjin questions.

"No," I shake my head, "they told us to have something to eat first."

Yoonjin nods slowly.

"I'm assuming they're planning to tell you at the hospital once the boys will be up for us... but, like they said it was a car accident," she continues. I hear the hint of sadness and distress in her tone of voice as she sighs.

"Thank Lord it wasn't the worst that could happen, although it wasn't exactly light either. By the looks of it, Seonghwa let San drive the car―I heard them talking about it since Seonghwa drove them here and they should take turns. Seonghwa must've been too tired or something and lets San go without much arguing. The boy never usually lets San drive for that long, I know he was planning to switch halfway anyway.

"According to the security cameras, there was a speeding trailer truck about to cross an intersection. Sani probably got spooked by it as he was about to turn the corner and made him panic. We all know how Sani's like once he's panicked―he loses focus for a second. Apparently, the universe said that second wasn't in the correct timing and he managed to fail his brakes..."

When Yoonjin's voice trails into a quieter voice, I glance at her. The woman is furrowing her brows and I could see her fists clenching in her coat pockets

"...h-his brakes failed and the car skidded off the road, crashing into the corner of a building straight down the middle."

"If it weren't for the airbags..."

I feel my heart plummet down my chest, realising what she's trying to say. Next to me, Yoonjin takes a shaky breath but smiles at me despite that.

"I'm just glad nothing worse happened to my babies, and please don't worry yourself, Hyeshin," Yoonjin reassures me, pulling me into a warm side hug. "They'll be fine. Something like this happened back in their high school days, although less severe. If they made through that, they'll be strong enough to make it through this one."

"Obviously, we don't know what injuries they have now since they haven't reported anything back but let's hope it's not the harshest for them."

A hand snakes into my hold and squeezes my palm. I turn to Yeosang, who gives me a smile of assurance.

"I'm just so worried," I say, barely a whisper into the cold night. "I know you're worried too, why don't you look as affected by it?"

"Because I know they'll jump back on to their feet in no time. Life comes with a lot of obstacles, some events already written in the stars before they split and you can't change anything in it. The stars have already written all your highs and lows; though whichever comes first depends on you and your journey. I can feel it, I know the stars know they don't want to leave us this soon."

"Seonghwa, especially, I know he has a lot waiting for him as soon as he wakes up―one of them being you. He doesn't want to worry people, he always gets better. His energy isn't fading any time soon, okay, sweetie? I don't want you to waste your energy on worrying too much, that will exhaust you."

I bite on my bottom lip.

"Do you want another coffee once we get back to the hospital?" Yeosang asks.

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