The Rant of a Mad Man

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This story had a different tone than the rest. Delving into madness is a tedious topic, one that is often difficult for readers and the general population to wrap their head around. This illistrates it nicely, adding a little suprise to the ending.

He came back. I was not sure he would. I hoped he never would. Since I met him, I had been... happy. The doctor said that it was atrophy of the mind and that I was delving into madness, but I beg to differ. To plagiarize from I-do-not-know-who,“Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.” I think that it is simply my brain running mellifluous and flawless processes to help me to fix my troubles. My first attempts at saving myself was through anger. I was vindictive to anyone who did anything to harm me. A peer made fun of me at school, so I broke his arm. The actions may seem unscrupulous, but I assure you; they were quite justified. I am unsure how the genesis of these new thoughts came about, but in my anxious state, I was willing to accept anything to free me from myself. That vindictiveness eventually turned into something even more appealing, sadism. I soon felt the urge to hurt others in any way I could. I laughed when a child cried over their missing cat. Those were the easy cases. The real fun was in those that were cocksure, the ones that believed that they had nothing to lose. That was when the sadistic pleasures were abundant. They required more work. A few pulled teeth ripped out with pliers usually did the trick, but one gentleman in particular resisted, showing his mettle. Now that was something I could not allow. So, the next day, his girlfriend, the love of his life, went missing. He cried and cried and bawled and bawled, but all I felt was the sweet joy running through me. Then there came a time when being a sadist was not enough. Hurting others no longer pleased me. That was when masochism slowly crept into me. That way, I could hurt the only one I had not hurt yet... ME! The bruises and cuts proved my masochistic needs, and they helped me get through another period of time. Then, I ran into a huge problem: being a masochist wore off too. It is hard to emulate the feelings that I had, but I will try anyway. Picture a long hall with doors on either side. Now, close all the doors except two: masochism and sadism. Such was my mind. When those two doors closed I thought I had no where left to go. I was depressed and distraught. That was when I noticed a little inlet at the far end of the hall. The door was opened slightly, beckoning me toward it. The sign on the door read,“Emergency Exit: Madness”. Being the only door open, I went in. That brings me to my current state, with all my problems solved. Then he decided to show up. He appeared around 3 in the morning, which woke me up, and he gave me a note. Upon receiving it, I tore it up. “I do not want your help. I am free and you cannot hold me.”

Instead of attacking me, he simply held out his finger and tapped my forehead. Instantly, I felt a poisoning feeling that I immediately dreaded: sanity. “NO!” I screamed. “You cannot take this away from me! Give it back!”

I dove at him, he seemed to teleport out of the way. I was furious that he would subject me to such a macabre punishment. That was when he spoke. “Your sanity will save you. We cannot have a madman doing the task we have planned. My scruples are proper and my morals true. You will thank me for sparing you when you come to your senses.”

That was when I blacked out. I awoke to a normal day. Everyone seemed to have no recollection of my experience with madness but me, so I allowed those memories to slip into the recesses of my mind. I now simply wait for his plans for me to reveal themselves.

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