"What the hell happened?" I ask as I make a bee line for the tree Emily is stuck in.

" She and some random guy started doing shots and the next thing I know I hear her yelling from the tree. I tried to get her to listen to me but she just kept on ignoring me. When she started singing Let it go from that Frozen movie I started looking for you. " Samantha explains in one breath.

" Why me? " I ask as we reach the tree.

" Emily told me that you scare her so I thought that maybe she'd still be scared of you through her drunken phase. " Samantha shrugs.

" Gee I sure feel the love. " I reply in monotone.

I look back at Emily and sigh. She was supposed to be the designated driver for crying out loud.

" Emily honey what are you doing up there? " I yell and she stops singing. Her eyes grow wide as they meet mine.

" I-I" she stumbles.

" Just get down." I say as I walk a little closer to the tree.

I see a whimper leave Emily's mouth. Is she really that scared of me? I didn't do anything to her. She sleeps in the same room as I do for God's sake.

" I can't." she replies after a few seconds of silence.

I sigh dramatically as I put my hands on my hips. How the hell am I going to get a half naked drunk ass girl out of the tree?

"Do you remeber how you got up?" I ask her as I can't think of anything else. The vodka in my system isn't helping me think clear.

" I think so. " she replies quickly.

" Just like you climbed up the tree just climb back down." I have a feeling it's going to get a lot more complicated than that.

" I'm scared." she whimpers.

Oh for crying out loud. I should've just gone to the clubs like I planned in the first place.

" Jump I'll catch you! " I hear a voice yell from my right side. I turn my head to look over at the source of the voice. Of course Tyler would be here. He wouldn't miss this for the world.

" What are you doing here?" I hiss. He just seems to pop up everywhere I go.

" I usually know when a half naked girl gets stuck in a tree at my frat house." he winks.

" Your frat house?" I quirk my eyebrow. " You know what, I don't care. Just help her out of the tree so that we can go home. " I say before he can answer.

I watch as Tyler and Emily bicker back and forth for the next few minutes. Surprisingly Emily gained the courage to finally jump out of the tree and into Tyler's arms. I'm surprised she had to think about it from the way she ogleded at him a few days ago. Nevertheless he manged to get her out of the tree. Samantha immediately ran over to cover her up with her jacket and then started scolding her.

" Come on let's go." I say irritated that my night didn't turn out as I expected.

Emily doesn't move from her spot as she lowers her head.

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