Scene: Zola and Elwin's Quarantine Love Story

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"No notebooks in bed

Momma said.

I put it down

Then scratched my head.

'Well, Momma, why?'

I'd ask so sly.

She'd sit me down –

Look me in the eye

And reply:

'Let me tell you

A little thing about space.

Everything in it

Has a place.

Your bed is for sleeping.

That's why it's made.

Your desk is for refining

That God given trade.

Don't swap and switch

Because then you miss

The essentialness of having a space

That meets each of your needs.

You won't find this

In any book that you'll read.

For this wisdom

Is your Mama's word.

Take this advice,

And fly, Little Bird."

As the thought sat, so did Elwin. He was speechless. "Wow," he finally said, collecting his thoughts. "That's beautiful."

Zola smiled. "Thank you. It just came to me tonight."

"Did your mom really not allow you to write in bed?" He asked.

She shook her head and told him, "No, I wrote it from the perspective of my future child because, one day, I sat in my loft, and I thought, 'everything should have its own separate space.' As a parent, I want to instill in my kids the wisdom that everything has its own sacred space – including you."

"Which is why you said 'you won't find this in any book that you'll read'," Elwin realized.

Zola grinned wider. "Now you're catching on."

"Tha Poet Lasana lives up to her name," he stated in an announcer's voice. Then, he looked at Zola. While they shared a glance, they were both wondering: When would this craziness pass? When would they be together again? Zola's arm started blinging before it could go further. "I have to go," she told Elwin.

"I know," he responded sourly.

"This will pass soon, and then we'll be together in real life."

Elwin nodded and kissed Zola's hologrammed head. Although she couldn't actually feel it, it was a sweet gesture. 

Zola awoke wondering if this sweet gesture would ever come true. Realizing she'd had yet another dream about Elwin, she grabbed her journal and started to write. Then, she remembered her new rule: The bed is for sleeping. The desk is for writing, Zola reminded herself as she carried herself to her desk and let her mind take her on a journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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