He's Just a Phase, Right? [Sneaking Around]

Start from the beginning

"Wow you’re good."

"I've been sneaking around this castle a lot as you well know." he laughed before leaving. You did as you were told, and came into the common room with a book you took from Harry's trunk.

"Where were you?" Hermione asked.

"Library." you said, holding up the book.

“Well come see what I bought!" Hermione said excitedly. You followed up to the dorm, where you spent the rest of the night with Hermione, looking at clothes and modeling.

"Hermione I'm so tired." you said after the fourth top was thrown at you.

"It's only 8." she said confusedly.

"I know, but im just tired. I had a long day." you said, taking out your pajamas.

"What did you do?" she asked. I shagged Harry all day, you thought to yourself. Then you paused, trying to think.

"I exercised. Burned a ton of calories." you said.

"Okay..." she said, eyebrows raised. She was almost out of the door when she stopped and turned to you. “Kris, I’m so happy that you are feeling better. You seem happier.” she said.

“Thanks. Me too.” you said. You were surprised to find that you meant it.

*    *    *    *

Potions. Now one of your least favorite classes.

"Your stirring it wrong." Draco snapped at you. You scowled.

"You do it then!" you demanded. He did, and it automatically turned the purple color it was supposed to be. You frowned.

"You suck at this." he said.

"Well at least I don't look like crap. What have you been doing?" you lowered your voice a little bit.

"Nothing." he said, rubbing his eyes, which had large bags under them.

"Fine. Whatever. I don't have to care anymore." you said, and immediately regretted it. You saw the sadness in his eyes, but it was gone in a moment and replaced by coldness before he turned back to his book.

"So is it the drugs or has your master assigned you something." you whispered so that only he could hear.

"I thought you didn't care."

"You don't have to care to be curious."

"Yes you do." he said, throwing some more ingredients into the cauldron.

"Draco..." you began but you didn't continue. You really couldn't take this anymore. Thankfully class was over in 5 minutes. You spent the rest of the time glancing at Draco. You saw every little twitch, every yawn, how pale he was. The list could go on forever.

"Alright times up. Put your flasks at my desk with your names on them and you are dismissed." Snape said boredly, turning a page in his book. You were the first one up, and you dragged Harry out with you. Halfway down the empty front hall you pushed Harry into a classroom and shut the door.

"Woah." Harry said, but couldn't say more as your lips came crashing onto his. After a minute he pushed you away.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"Nothing is wrong. Maybe I just want you." you said, reaching for his belt. He took your hand to stop you.

"I'm all for shagging you know. But I can't let you use sex as a distracter forever. I can't believe I'm saying this but, you need to talk to Draco." he said.

"Harry stop reading into this. I'm just having fun." you said convincingly. He looked at you skeptically. You smiled and pressed your lips against his lightly. He smiled and leaned you back onto a desk, sucking on your neck. I love how guys stop thinking with their head and start thinking with their head. You giggled and undid his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor.


You slammed the vile onto the desk and slumped out of the classroom. Just as you were turning to leave however, you saw Kris turning the corner with Harry. You walked quickly to where they disappeared. You saw her pull him into a classroom. You hurried and stood next to the door. You could just barely hear Kris's voice.

"Nothing is wrong. Maybe I just want you." she said. Rage flared within you.

"I'm all for shagging, you know. But I can't let you use sex as a distracter forever. I can't believe I'm saying this but, you need to talk to Draco." he said. This also took you by surprise. You gently turned the knob, glad that it didn't make any noise. You pushed the door lightly, and winced when it made a quiet creak. Thankfully, Kris spoke at the exact same moment.

"Harry stop reading into this. I'm just having fun." You stood, shocked, peaking through the door. Your face hardened when Harry leaned her back onto a desk, sucking her neck. She's shagging him. She's shagging POTTER! That... that... But you couldn't stand there any longer, watching her undress him. She was supposed to be undressing you! You closed the door and stormed down the hall to the Room of Requirement. When you got their you paced back and forth angrily until the door appeared, and you slammed the door closed once you got inside.

"B*tch!" you yelled, kicking a stack of books angrily. You looked at the cabinet sitting at the end of the room. I have to do this now... You took out your wand and walked over to the cabinet that had been torturing you to no end for months.

He's Just a Phase, Right? (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now