Start from the beginning

Caitlyn: Well that was one that Mom helped me write when she found out that she was pregnant with Michelle

Stephanie: Can you sing it for us please Caty?

Caitlyn: I can't Stephie I need Uncle Jesse to play and he won't be home for another couple of hours but maybe I can sing the song without it I can try

DJ: Joey come in here Caty is going to sing for us

Joey comes into the room and sits next to Stephanie

Joey: Okay go for it Caty

Caitlyn: Okay count me in

Joey: one two three

Caitlyn(she starts singing) [Verse 1]
Today's all burnt toast
Running late and dad jokes
"Has anybody seen my left shoe?"
Close my eyes, take a bite
Grab a ride, laugh out loud
There it is up on the roof

I've been there, I survived
So just take my advice

Hang in there, baby
Things are crazy
But I know your future's bright
Hang in there, baby
There's no maybe
Everything turns out alright

Sure, life is up and down

But trust me it comes back around

You're gonna love who you turn out to be

Verse 2]
Home run, loud crash
Someone's gonna pay for that
Why's everyone looking at me?
Trouble in paradise
Skating on melted ice
Please don't take away my TV

Repeat pre chorus


And then

Someone who gets along
Can keep you moving on
That's what I'm here for
Say anything, you can say anything
'Cause I've been there

Repeat chorus once more then the song ends, and Joey and the girls clap their hands

DJ: Caty I think that is the perfect song to cheer Michelle up

The timer on the oven goes

Caitlyn: Oh, the cupcakes and Cookies are done and now we get to ice them and then I have a present for the two of you. Joey can you help me

Joey: Sure Caty

Joey and Caitlyn go into the kitchen and Joey goes to the oven and he takes out the cupcakes and cookies which he places on the counter to cool

Joey: Caty everything except the garlic bread is ready and just needs a couple of minutes

Caitlyn: Okay

She carefully starts to put the cupcakes onto a cooling tray and Joey does the same with the cupcakes

Caitlyn: Okay I'm going to get the gifts for DJ, and Stephanie like I promised them

Caitlyn leaves the kitchen and heads up the stairs and then the attic stairs to her room where she goes to her hiding and takes out four gift boxes and then she heads back downstairs to the living room where DJ and Stephanie are sat

Caitlyn: Okay I told you two that I have a gift for both of you(she sits next to her sisters and gives each of them a gift box) Now I brought with the Dad's help when Michelle was born

DJ and Stephanie open their gift box to reveal a silver bracelet which is shaped like the infinity symbol

DJ: Caty they are beautiful

Caitlyn: the symbol means forever which is what sisters are and it means that we will always have each other and the gem in them is each of your birth stone. Do you like them?

DJ: I love it

Stephanie: Can you help me put mine on

Caitlyn takes the bracelet out of the box and places it around Stephanie's wrist

Caitlyn: There you go Steph

Stephanie: what is in the other boxes?

Caitlyn: It's for Michelle when she a little bit older and the other one is for me

The front door opens and Jesse and Danny who is also carrying Michelle

Jesse: Hey girls, wow its smells so good in here, Caty have you been baking?

Caitlyn: We all have, and I made lasagne and garlic bread for dinner and cupcakes and Cookies for after and Dad yes me and DJ have both done our homework, but can you have a read of my English and history papers for me please?

Danny: Sure honey, I will have a read of them after dinner okay, wait your history paper is not due till next week?

Caitlyn: I know but I wanted to get it done and I wanted more time to study for my AP Biology test coming up

Jesse: You are taking AP Biology?

Caitlyn: Not yet but my headmaster wants me to take the tests to see if I can be moved into three AP Classes, biology math and English it could be more, but I won't know until I take the test.

Danny: What did you write your history paper on?

Caitlyn: We had to write about Franklin D Roosevelt actually we had to write about a President in history and I chose President Roosevelt so I called Grandpa Tanner and he send me some books about him and we had a really long talk about him, Dad did you know that Grandpa knew him?

Danny: Yes, I have heard the story more than once and its is actually kind of cool

Caitlyn: Its more than cool Grandpa was friends with one of the best President ever

Danny smiles and then they Michelle crying

Caitlyn: Its Dad I'll get her, if you want to dish up the food

Danny: Okay Caity, come on girls

Caitlyn makes her way up the stairs and heads to Baby Michelle's room; she walks in the room to see Michelle laying wide awake and Caitlyn walks over to her

Caitlyn: Hey there baby Sister did you have a nice nap

Michelle puts her arms up for Caitlyn to pick her up and Caitlyn does just that

Caitlyn: Come on sweetie let's head downstairs and get you something to eat

Caitlyn carries Michelle down the stairs and into the kitchen, where her Dad has dished out the food and everyone is eating

Jesse: Caty this is amazing, did you use your Mom's recipe?

Caitlyn: Yes, I did, and I used Grandma Tanner's recipe for the garlic bread and my own recipe for the cookies and cupcakes (she puts Michelle in her chair)

DJ: Hey Uncle Jesse you should hear the song that Caty sang for today, it to cheer Michelle up

Jesse: I would love to

Caitlin: I was hoping that you could help with the music for it Uncle Jesse

Jesse: Sure, kid no problem

Danny: So, did you girls have fun today?

Stephanie: Daddy we had the best day

DJ: It was great because we spent it together

Caitlyn: We should make a regular thing, us having a sister day and maybe Michelle can join us you all the Tanner sisters spending the day together

DJ: I like the sound of that

Jesse walks over to the table with the salad and the garlic bread and he places them onto the table

Jesse: Okay let's eat

They all start eating their food and just enjoying spending time together as a family


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