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The Picture is Caitlyn's room

Saturday 10:30am

The Tanner Household

Danny Tanner's mother Claire is getting ready to leave, she has been staying with Danny and his daughters for the last couple of months ever since Danny's wife Pamela died but now its time for her to return home.

Claire is coming down the stairs carrying her bag

Claire: Okay the baby is sleeping like a baby and Caitlyn is at her Glee club rehearsal and I am all packed

Danny comes into the house.

Danny: Okay your bags are in the cab and the meter's is running

Claire: Okay are you that you don't want me to stay longer?

Danny: Mom we talked about this, you've been taking care of us since Pamela died its time for you to go home and besides remember Dad right! Mom it's okay

Two of Danny's daughters walk into the room as she walks to the door, she turns and kneels and opens her arms

Claire: Oh, two of my Angels (both girls run into her arms begging her to stay and as Danny tires to pull her away as soon as he tries to pull the other away the other has gone to hugging her)

Danny: Grandma has really got to go (the youngest daughter runs back to her and once last time Danny pulls her away)

Claire: Bye Honey

Girl: Bye Grandma

She leaves and Danny closes the front door and the two girls walk away looking sad

Danny: Okay cheer up I mean your Uncle Jesse is moving in today my best friend Joey is moving in today and you know what that means that you two are going to be roommates

Girl: I can wear all of DJ's clothes

DJ: Do I have to share my room with her, why can't Caitlyn share a room with her?

Danny: Well because Caitlyn's room is in the attic and Stephanie is scared of the attic and besides Caty gave you the big room even though she is the oldest and you know that Caty does a lot for you girls and you can think of it as a slumber party

DJ: Yeah with only one guest that never leaves

The front door opens, and someone walks in, he is holding a leather jacket and holding a motorcycle helmet

Man: Hey Hey look alive Uncle Jesse is in the house

DJ and Stephanie: Uncle Jesse (they get up and rush over to hug him)

Jesse:(mimics them) Uncle Jesse (he looks at them) Hey DJ did that tooth ever come in

DJ: No

Jesse: Its okay, its one less to brush, Hey Steph, hey where is my oldest Niece, Danny where is Caty?

Danny: Caty is at her glee club meeting at school. I'll pick her up in an hour, she is so much like you Jess, she loves music, singing and she even writes her own songs

Jesse (smiles) That's my niece

Danny: So where were you Jess you missed breakfast

Jesse: Well last night I went for a ride on my bike next thing I know I'm in Reno it was dark who would have known but I met this women Vanessa and boy was she

Danny: Hungry (looking at two of his daughters) She was hungry right Jess?

Jesse: Oh yeah she was starved

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