Chapter 19

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Waverly returned with the tea into the living room only to see her girlfriend had passed out on the couch. Soft snores escaped her mouth. She put the two hot mugs on the coffee table and quickly got her phone out to snap a picture of the adorable officer splayed across the sofa. After she was satisfied with the photo she took, she grabbed a thick blanket and covered the injured woman with it. Waverly then proceeded to bend down and press a warm kiss on Nicole's forehead before leaving her to rest for a while. The tea could wait.

She walked up the stairs of the Homestead in search for Wynonna. She found her sister in her room sitting on the floor in front of her bed with a bottle of Whiskey in her hand. Waverly chuckled at seeing her sister returning to old habits and sat down next to her.

"So, do you have any news on Nicole's attacker?"

Wynonna took a big sip from the bottle and offered it to her sister, who surprisingly took it and downed some of the liquor.

Wynonna's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You are asking me about the revenants? Aren't you afraid that Officer McHaughtie might hear? I thought that I wasn't allowed to talk about it."

The younger Earp rolled her eyes. "Well not in front of Nicole but she is passed out on the sofa. So, I am pretty sure that she won't go chasing revenants any time soon."

"All righty." The older Earp took the bottle from her younger sister and took another large mouthful of the brown liquid before continuing "Well the Brotherhood is after Peacemaker and they want the usual: control over Purgatory, to end the world... you know same old same old."

Waverly thought about what her sister had said. "What do they want Peacemaker for? They can't touch it without burning themselves, that doesn't make any sense. And why did they kill the couple if they are after us?"

"Maybe they just want it so we can't stop them and maybe the couple just knew too much. Who knows? I just know that I am going to make them pay for almost killing Officer Haughststuff."

"Well technically, that was you..."

"Shhh baby girl, they are going to pay."

Waverly agreed, nobody would get away with hurting her sweet baby. She looked at her watch, it was time to wake up her girlfriend and give her some pain meds. She got up and asked, "Are you coming with me? I have to wake up Nicole."

"Nope. You two haven't seen each other in almost half an hour and I don't want to witness the happy reunion."

Waverly rolled her eyes; her sister could be so dramatic. "Fine, but at least order some food. I am starving."

The older Earp stuck out her tongue before Waverly left the room.


Nicole awoke to soft lips kissing her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the blurry figure of her girlfriend sitting next to her on the sofa. She smiled and was about to sit up when Waverly's hands shot forward and pushed her down. "Uh uh not again darling, you will only hurt yourself again, but I will help you sit up."

Nicole pouted, she hasn't even been out of the hospital for a day and already she was feeling like an invalid. So, she decided to be a hard-headed idiot and swatted the younger Earp's hand away and pushed herself upright into a sitting position which caused her side to blow up with pain. She grimaced but was happy with herself for managing to sit up on the sofa all by herself.

She looked over to her girlfriend and her smile disappeared as quick as it had come after seeing the death glare directed at her.

She tried to calm her "Babe if you are going to have to do everything for me for the next few days you will be more exhausted than I am right now." She tried to lean over and kiss her, but Waverly quickly pulled back.

"Days?! Nicole. you have been out of the hospital for literally 20 minutes after just surviving a stab wound!!! You are lucky you survived! So damn right I am going to be there for you for every step of your recovery for the next WEEKS OR MONTHS!!!"

Before the police officer could reply Wynonna, came down the stairs and entered the living room "What's with all the shouting? I ordered some pizza AND have Whiskey, isn't that reason enough to be happy? Oh yeah and Officer Heart eyes is I guess we could also be happy about that."

The younger Earp rolled her eyes. "If Nicole survives that long and isn't going to kill herself before the pizza arrives by being the most stubborn idiot there is on the planet! I am going to make you some tea and help me god if you are not on that sofa if I return, I will kill you myself!" Waverly stormed out of the living room, into the kitchen and left Nicole and Wynonna alone.

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