Ohne Titel Teil20

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It was late in the evening and the Homestead had become quieter, which was mostly due to the fact that Wynonna went out drinking at Shorties after they ate the pizza, she had ordered.

Waverly had lit the fireplace as the daylight began to slowly fade and the rooms were cooling down rapidly. Now, a nice warmth was spreading through the old farmhouse. She was currently snuggled up to Nicole on the sofa in the living room. The injured woman's head was resting on her chest, while the brunette had wrapped one arm around her sleeping love, careful not to jostle her injuries. The officer was out cold, soft snores escaping her slightly ajar mouth. The beauty of this moment was only torpedoed by her right arm being strapped down by the horrendous looking sling and the noticeable hitch in the injured woman's breathing. Waverly sighed; it would definitely take a while before she was not constantly reminded of the fact that she came way too close to lose her love.

They had sat down and started watching tv about twenty minutes ago. It had only taken two minutes for Nicole to fall asleep. The tv program had become a background noise while Waverly was deep in thought and, at the same time, keeping a watchful eye on her stubborn idiot. Checking that she was still breathing and, from time to time, placing her hand on her girlfriend's chest to reassure herself that it was indeed still rising and falling with every breath.

After the brunette had snapped at the officer, for the second time that day, they pretended like it had not happened. At the time of their argument, Waverly was fuming, but once she had time to reflect on their little "dispute" she felt bad. Nicole's near-death experience had not been easy on her, but she was sure that it had not been easy on the sleeping woman either.

Nicole was the most caring and loving person she knew but she hated being dependent on someone else and not being able to do everything herself. So, Waverly had to admit, maybe she has not really been that considerate of her girlfriend's feelings. She would try to be more patient. At least that was the plan. And if that meant slipping some pain meds into the tea she brought as a peace offering, then so be it. At least her girlfriend was getting the much-needed rest right now.

She looked down at her love and noticed that she was beginning to wake up. Would she ever get tired of watching her beautiful idiot opening her hazel eyes? Probably not. Nicole's eyelids began to flutter open. Waverly gently kissed the top of her head, which made her snuggle up to her even more.

"How did you sleep darling?"

"Good. Were you able to get some rest?"

"It was nice to just sit here with you and enjoy the normal things such as watching tv for once. A big bonus was that you were sleeping, which is why I knew you weren't in trouble." Waverly winked at her girlfriend who guiltily took her hand in hers.

"I know that I am not a good patient babe, but I am trying, I promise."

Waverly lifted their joined hands and brought the injured woman's knuckles to her lips to cover the skin with soft kisses. "I know darling, and I am going to try to be more patient with you, but you know how it is: when you love someone as passionately as I love you, sometimes the feelings get the better of you."

Nicoles hazel eyes glistened with emotions, and she slowly leaned over to Waverly to capture her lips with hers. The younger Earp titled her head to the side and kisses her girlfriend back. Her soft lips taste like strawberries, and she is able to forget the rest of the world in this moment. Now its just her and Nicole, no Brotherhood and no annoying older sister. Her heart is pounding like a thousand beats a minute and it feels like their first kiss all over again.

After what feels like hours, they both pull back for air and rest their foreheads against each other's, simply enjoying each other's company.

"I love you." Nicole whispers into the quite of the room.

"I love you more."

They stay like this for a few minutes until Waverly said: "It's time for bed now darling." The red-haired woman groans. "Way to kill the mood Waves."

Waverly chuckles: "Don't think I will stop being the responsible one. Besides you need sleep if we want to do more than kissing sometime soon. Now come on, I will help you up."

The shorter woman gets off the couch and drapes Nicoles uninjured arm across her shoulder. 10 Minutes later they are both laying in their bed upstairs peacefully sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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