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hey yeseul, how is your cousins audition going?

he's in the audition room at the moment
im waiting outside for him lol

outside the building or just outside the room?

outside the building, i had to leave lol


jeon jungkook


he was the one calling out people's names
i didn't even realise until he called out jay's name cuz he was freaking out

wow, really?

and when i looked up at jungkook he was smiling and staring at me

are you sure it was you?

yes, my cousin was already on his way over to where jungkook was and we were like the only ones waiting in that area


i died
like full on died

how can you have died if you are messaging me right now?

this is a ghost, duh

wow okay hi yeseuls ghost
by the way where are you outside

around the back of building so nobody can see me dying

stop saying you are gonna die :(

im only joking juan don't worry lol

you sure?

yes im sure


holy crap
i think jungkook is here


where i am stupid


it looks like he's messaging somebody though so hopefully i can just escape and he won't realise

haha, i would like to see you try

he's laughing aw
he's so cute
okay im gonna try go now
wait jungkook looked up
oh no
where did u go
answer me


wait he's looking at his phone again

you should run for it whilst you can

i would
but he's like right there

why don't  you say hi?

he's probably busy though

you said his job was calling out names
if your cousin is in there right now he won't have to do anything

true but this is jeon jungkook

he's a normal person yeseul

i know
i really do know
that's why i want to respect his privacy
maybe he doesn't want somebody saying hi to him

i am sure it is an honour when he meets armys

i guess so

are you going to go and say hi then?

do i just say hi or?

tell him anything
i am sure anything will make his day better

i got this

good luck :)

thanks lol


juan is crazy

do i really go and say hi?

i mean i have been wanting to tell him how much he inspires me forever

but seeing him in person is different


im going

nope i can't do this


jungkooks pov

do i really expect her to come and say hi?

no, not really

there's no wa-

"um, hello jungkook, i just wanted to say you are really inspiring and i really appreciate what you do so much"

(she said this in english btw ^)

i wish i understood all of that

"oh crap i just said that in english"


"this is akward now i spoke the wrong langauge"


this is korean now ^)

"what did you say"

"basically just that you're really inspiring and i appreciate what you do a lot"

she's so cute when she's smiling

"aw, thank you so much. that really means a lot to me"

"you are also like super cute and stuff, yeh i just embarrassed myself, im leaving now, bye"

"wait, yeseul"

i almost whispered the last part

i am pretty sure she didn't hear it

but she called me cute

yeseul called me cute

she really did call me cute

but i get called cute all the time

so why does it bother me so much when yeseul says it

gamer || jeon jungkookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin