McGonagall stirred Ria in through the door. The pub was old and rather crowded. People sat in rickety looking chairs, drinking tiny glasses of sherry.
McGonagall went up to the counter. The barman was old and toothless and completely bald.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall! What brings you here?"

"Guiding young Miss Greystone here. I wondered if you could do me a favour, Tom?"

"Certainly Professor. Anything, anything."

"I'll be leaving Miss Greystone here. I have some business to attend to and must leave at once. Hagrid would be getting here soon with another student. Would you be kind enough to introduce him to Miss Greystone here? He'll know what to do"

"Certainly, Professor. I'll do that. Miss Greystone will be safe here."

McGonagall then spoke to Ria.

"Hagrid will be helping you buy your school things. Now, there are two things I need to give you before I depart."

She searched the pocket of her dress and took out two thing; a yellowish envelope and a little golden key.

"This" she said pointing at the envelop, "is your letter from Hogwarts. I suggest you read it when you've found yourself a seat. And this is the key to your vaults at Gringotts."

Ria was about to ask what Gringotts was but McGonagall stopped her.

"Hagrid will explain everything. Meanwhile, you might direct your questions to Tom or anyone who looks friendly to you. I do not much like leaving you here alone but I expect Hagrid would be here in about an hour. Meanwhile, just stay here. Do not go wandering off. Ok?"

"Ok" Ria said. She didn't much like being left alone in the strange little pub.

"I'll see you at school Miss Greystone", McGonagall said and with a last smile at her left the pub.

Ria went over to a table at the corner and sat down. For almost 15 minutes she just sat there muling over all the incidents of the past two days in her head. She didn't feel either sad or happy. She just felt utterly bewildered and confused. There was so much she didn't know and didn't understand. She still hasn't found out anything about her parents except that they were magical just like her and that they apparently had left her something that required a key to open it.

Aubrianna Greystone.

She repeated the name a few times in her head. It felt strange.
Then she conducted a closer survey of the envelope McGonagall gave her. The envelop was thick, made of yellowish paper. Ria recognised it immediately as the same type of parchment which held the last note of her parents. It was addressed in emerald green ink.

Miss Aubrianna Greystone
Second Floor
Parker's Children's House

Ria turned the envelope over. There was a purple wax seal with a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H.

Carefully, she opened the envelope and found two notes inside.
She read through the first one.


  (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

  Dear Miss Greystone,

  We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
  Term begins on September 1. The Hogwarts Express leaves at 11 a.m. sharp from platform nine and three quarters of Kings Cross station on the same day. Your boarding ticket is enclosed herewith.

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