Dis / continuities.

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Post-solstice sunlight diving deep
in glowing  leaves and fronds and blades,
mandarins and lemons quietly ripening,
jet plane growling sulky on its trades.

Gossamer  threads a silky glinter,
flexing lazily in easy breeze;
comfort-rocking hips of drying towel;
magpies flute a bugle tune, accordion squeeze.

All seems to chorus or to jig-saw fit
grand illusions of continuities:
detail sparkles in darting fovea -
rest of 360, vegetative ease.

At three am we open wide our eyes,
heart falters and a gasped breath sighs.


This from 1976

A Naiad Muses on Icarus

Light twine on the night river -
full moon in
gust-dancing wavelets –
a silk touch of the shivering wind.

My life is haunted by the fate of Icarus,
spiraling to the sea.

I saw him on that clear day –
sun dazzling estuary waves –
far out, from cloud banks, light on gold wings
flashing as he fell.

Winds through these streets
drive fire cascades of copper beech;
skeletons of plane leaves scrape pavements;
they glide among morning fumes.

In the high air
tiny spiders ride
on their rope trick above clouds.

If we were there,
on silk in the golden wind...


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