Running Away

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I wasn't the only one who was an outcast. I was a drug dealer from Junkertown. I've almost completely forgotten about that now. I don't see myself as lonely or as a criminal anymore. I only remember how terrible I felt just waking up in the morning for my next job. I worked for The Queen. Everyday I'd get a message. All I was allowed to know was where and when I was supposed to go. I never ask questions. All I knew was that if I did the job I'd be transfered money. My mom sold me as a slave to The Queen when I was young. She thought that I behaved well enough to set me free, but i still worked under her.


There it was. A small wood desk tucked in between two buildings. I walked over and tucked a dufflebag under the desk then walked away. I didn't look behind me. I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to see who was coming to pick up the package. My only choice was to quietly get back to my speeder and wait for my next delivery. As long as I followed instructions I got paid. I wasn't usually paid enough to make a living specifically so I wouldn't run away and live off what I make, but I do try to save some for emergencies. It was enough to feed myself, fuel my speeder, and to buy any extra items I needed. The Queen had connections to people outside of Junkertown that provided dealers with shelter. Even so I knew I would have to leave soon. Maybe I'd join the military. I've always been a fighter growing up in a place like Junkertown. I even heard that there's a special program called the soldier enhancement program. I'm not sure what its all about, but they are supposed to be a very secret program. It would be the perfect place to hide. In order to get there I'd have to be the best in the ranks. I'll leave tonight. Just then my watch buzzed. My last mission of the day.

The sun set in Egypt that night. When the streets were empty I threw my hood on and hopped on the next ship to the states. It was a 5 hour trip only costing me 60 credits, but I was limited on how much I could spend. I arrived in a large city with more people running around than I could ever imagine. There were a few omnics as well. Some of them were protesting for omnoc rights. That's right. I now have to get involved with politics. I squeezed by people to get out of the station. I finally made it out and felt the sun hit my skin. I began looking around for directions. I found an information booth. An omnic was sitting behind it.
"Hello." I began.
"What can I help you with?" The omnic buzzed.
"Is there a ship that can take me to the U.S. army?"
"Yes, but you'll need to have your license to get on."
"Oh I don't have a license."
"No license means you haven't passed the 4 month long bootcamp."
"4 months?!"
"Yes and then you get registered to be in the army for two years until your next physical exam."
"2 years?!! I-I don't have that kind of time!! I need to become a part of the soldier enhancement program!!"
I exclaimed.
I was so worried. The queen, she could catch me if I waited that long!
"S.E.P.?!" A crooked voice asked from behind me. I turned to see a hunched over man with a vet hat on. He stood shaking his cane as he walked forward.
"I trained the very first S.E.P. soldiers. Two of them moved on to be Overwatch generals."
My eyes grew wide. Overwatch generals?! Hell if I got that good I would have enough experience to protect myself! Iwould have a whole team of people on my side if I worked at Overwatch!
"How do I get into SEP?"
The man took my shoulder and leaned in whispering softly.
"At the underground subway station on 87th street. Go down the left tunnel. You'll find the secret entrance there. Knock on the door. Tell them you wish to join SEP."
I nodded.
"Thankyou sir."
He nodded and smiled letting my shoulder go. I quickly looked at a digital map on the corner for refrence and began running down the street. I ran in front of a building with a giant holoboard sitting in front of it. It was a picture of the Overwatch team. I stopped to admire the picture. In the very front there was a man with blonde hair and a blue trenchcoat. That must be Commander Jack Morrison. I've heard stories about him. He looks so heroic. Next to him was a woman woth dark hair and a tattoo under one eye. It was Captain Amari. She looks so cool, but also stern looking. She must really mean business. On the other side of Commander Morrison was a mysterious man wearing a black beanie. Commander Gabriel Reyes. I'd recognize his brooding manner anywhere. He was holding a shot gun in each hand. On the far side of the poster was a beautiful lady who I didn't recognize. She was wearing a doctors uniform and had bright yellow wings. She waa holding some kind of glowing staff. I wonder who she is. On the other far side was another person I didn't know, though it made me laugh to look at him. He seemed to be some kind of cowboy from the looks of it. He didn't look serious like the others in the poster. He had a very outlandish pose and smiled like he was trying to impress someone. His right arm looked to be robotic. He had it sitting just above his belt buckle that read BAMF. I rolled my eyes, but looked further. I was very amused by this cowboy. His other hand tipped his hat. Maybe someday I can meet them all. As soon as I finish my SEP training.

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