chapter 4: a new environment

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Aubrielle's p.o.v
"Just go take a shower sweet cheeks " he whispered coming even closer to me .

" can you please leave me alone? I'll shower at home " I said in a weak voice , he gave me an evil look " okayyyyyy! I'll shower, now what am i gonna wear ?" I asked ."oh, i rummaged your drawer and took some clothes , undies and bras " he smirked .
"omg, that's inappropriate, you shouldn't go into my private stuff " i said rolling my eyes .
"Oh bloody hell! You have no idea who you're talking to " he said rather raspily.
"Who?" I challenged.

As soon as i said that i saw him unlock the handcuffs off my hands and feet .

"Sit up stubbornness " he ordered.

" but I'm not hungry or dirty " I complained , only to be lifted up and brought downstairs.

Because of my whole ' concentrating on being stubborn ' plan , i didn't see how fine of a house he's got .

" nice house" i complemented.

" it's the first respectful thing you've said since you got here " he said chuckling.

That boy is too evil for my purpose. He scared me .

" Jackson " i said lowly

" yes?"

"I'm not hungry "


" it would be better to ask my tummy" i said sarcastically.

" then that's why you're gonna eat, because you're not hungry

" but..."

"But nothing, you're gonna sit , eat your waffles and be a good girl for me , oh, you're already a good girl " he said loudly .

" o-o- okay , i will eat the waffles , jeesh , you're so pushy " i said rolling my eyes.

" Goddamn child , you're just like a spoilt 3 year old , can you please act like 17 ?"

"Wait , how did you know my age ?"

" your father always brags about his great Princess Aubrielle and everything about you " he said , i squirmed in my seat.

Jackson's p.o.v

I loved to see how much i scared her , it was funny . After all, she wasn't as brave as her father said she is " i laughed to myself.

"What's so funny ?"


"Where's th bathroom " she said with 1/2 waffle in her mouth.

" upstairs, but imma have to be there with you" i said smirking , knowing it would have an effect on her .

" no!" She squeaked

" but I'll have to be at the door "

" I'm sure you don't wanna , I'm umm, umm"


" yes " she answered with her gaze on the floor .

" whats wrong?" I asked smirking

" I'm just , i-uh , never Thought you'd know about
That , after all , it's girl stuff" she said innocently.

" go shower already!" I
ordered .

" do i smell bad ?" She asked

" no, you said earlier that you are menstruating so , go shower.
Aubrielle's p.o.v

I couldn't wait to shower and take off these clothes.

I arrived in the bathroom and stripped down to nothing. Went into the bathroom that was perfectly organised, he did have great taste when it comes to fashion.

I washed myself until i was pleased , i turned off the shower and was soon surprised that i had no towel with me

I'm such an idiot

"Jackson,Jackson " i called getting no answer

" well I'll do it myself then" i mumbled before leaving the bathroom for my towel . As I entered his room, i saw him playing a video game, i didn't want to disturb him as i am naked . I quietly trotted to my bag of clothes , revealing my cute undies , a bag of maxi pads, a nice pair of shorts,a sweatshirt and my towel. I quickly wrapped it around me and walked to the bathroom.

" ya know , sweet cheeks , you have a nice body " i heard Jackson say , i shuddered at his words.

He knows darn well the effect that he has on me .

"Stupid " i cursed under my breath.

Jackson's p.o.v

She is so immature. Why did she come out of the bathroom naked if she didn't want me to see her .

"What are you hiding, I've seen many young teenage bodies, some dead even " i said smirking.

She shuddered again

" I won't kill you just yet , you have a purpose " i sad smirking.

She hurried to the bathroom and put on her clothes.

" I'm so stupid " she cursed again.

" you're not , your father is, he shouldn't have dismissed his guards , his sweet little princess wouldn't be nowhere to be found " i said enraged.

" my tummy hurts" she whined

" Why would i care ?" I asked, my eyes dark with evil thoughts taking me over .

I grabbed her hands with my much bigger and stronger ones.

" ouch !" she exclaimed

" that's your problem,you're too delicate, too precious, too naive!Do you have a fucking clue who i am? I dont give a fuck about your feelings or what you say , i do what i want, and you're gonna do what i say at all it"

"Why should I?"she said clueles .

"You're tempting me to hurt you , Aubrielle, you're as stubborn as a 3 year old " i said fuming with anger squeezing her hands harder

" okay okay , I'll do what you say " she answered in surrender, staring into my eyes

Damn she was beautiful , and different.

Weeks passed with her in my care, but little did she know what was in store for her .


Continue reading to find out and feel free to comment questions and how i can improve my story

Love kellissa

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