Chapter 5

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Bruce flopped down on a chair next to Judith. He had spent the last hour chasing the boys around and was exhausted. Griffin and Austin were napping in the living room. He took a sip of a beer he had grabbed and looked at her, giving her a wide smile.

"Wow!! They sure did wear me out." he let out a chuckle as he brushed his hair back into a ponytail. "Even when I was running around like a madman onstage with Maiden I never felt this tired."

Judith smiled at Bruce, "They enjoy having you home Mr. Dickinson. They would ask for you all the time while you were on the road, now they're making up for lost time with their Daddy."

Bruce looked away from Judith, he could feel his heart swell at the love he felt for his boys. "I want to thank you for everything Judith." he gave her a shy smile as he looked at her, "I didn't realize how much you did with the boys, and how important you are to them. They are shaping into fine boys because of you and Pad."

Judith reached out and grabbed Bruce's hand, giving it a soft squeeze. "I did nothing Mr. Dickinson. I just loved your boys as if they were my own. I enjoy watching them grow and seeing how wonderful they are."

Bruce wrapped his fingers around hers, brushing the back of her hand with his thumb. He remembered her telling him that she thought he didn't like her. He had to apologize for how he had acted around her. He liked her, yes....he liked her. And that was the problem. Bruce took a deep breath, he was having a hard time controlling his feelings.

"Judith...." he fixed his eyes on a spot on the table, not wanting to look into her eyes, "...I want to apologize for acting like an asshole around you. I really don't know why I was so cold around you." he looked up at her and saw the look of concern in her eyes. "I like you Judith. I really do. I think I was trying to suppress my feelings around you."

Judith didn't know what Bruce was trying to say. He wasn't really making his point clear, which was odd in Bruce. He usually spoke his mind, said what he wanted when he wanted. Now he was struggling to express himself.

"I don't understand what you're trying to say Mr. Dickinson." she reached up and brushed a strand of hair that had escaped from his ponytail, tucking it behind his ear. Bruce groaned at the intimate touch.

"This is what I'm talking about." he said in a low voice, "I fancy you Judith. I don't know when or why it has happened, but I have developed feelings for you."

Judith let go of Bruce's hand, she stood up and sat in a chair across from him, "Mr. Dickinson..." she spoke in a low but firm voice, " don't fancy me. I'm old enough to be your mother! And what about Paddy? I don't think you know what you're talking about. I see you as a Son. That's it. I"m sorry if I've ever given you mixed signals..."

Bruce shook his head, he knew she wasn't going to feel the same for him, but he had to let her know, "No, you never have given me mixed signals. You have been nothing but professional with me. I don't know why things like this happen, but they do. I love Paddy, more than anything. But over the past couple of weeks I have developed feelings for you. I know nothing will ever come of it." he looked up at her and gave her a goofy grin, "I hope this hasn't ruined anything between us. I still want you to come over and visit the boys. I promise you I will never make things weird between us. I just had to let you know what I was feeling."

Judith smiled at Bruce. She found it endearing that this good looking, successful man found her attractive and had feelings for her. If he weren't married and she was 20 years younger, she would probably give him a chance. She also knew that having 2 young kids probably didn't allow Bruce and Paddy to have any alone time, so he was focusing on any member of the opposite sex that paid any kind of attention to him.

"Mr. Dickinson......Bruce......"

Bruce looked up when she called him by his name. She had never done that before, he blushed and gave her a wide smile.

"....I appreciate your honesty. I don't want things to be uncomfortable between us either. Let's just pretend nothing happened, and let's carry on like before. Things will be back to normal between Paddy and you, you'll see. If you'd like...." she gave him a wide grin, knowing this is what he needed, "...I can take the boys to my flat and you and Paddy can have the whole weekend to yourselves. Catch up on lost time....maybe even give these boys a little sister...." she winked her eye at him.

Bruce laughed, he had never heard her "talk dirty". They did need that. It would probably take some convincing on Paddy's end, she didn't like being away from the boys for too long, but he knew in the end she would agree.

"I would love that, thank you Judith."

Judith stood up and walked up to Bruce, "You're welcome Mr. Dickinson." she wrapped her arms around him, giving him a warm hug, "Now, go get things ready for my boys. They'll need a few things for their weekend with Grandma."

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