Love, Hannah.

Han decides to go to the park where she and Hyunjin had that night talk. She thinks sitting at the bench, admiring the morning view, would put her at ease before the storm, at least.

She pulls out her notebook and flips through the written pages. Today, she's really determined to try her best to not only get out of the time loop, but also to be herself around Hyunjin.

Even though she originally wanted to get out of the time loop, her goal has slightly changed; she too, wants a genuine friendship with Hyunjin. That was what Felix told her last night—what matters now is her genuineness in befriending Hyunjin. She made a mistake, but she should not be trapped in the past.

She reviews the things that have been properly outlined in the book, making sure that she's fully ready for the encounter later on. An unexpected note, however, catches her eye.

Don't worry too much and be yourself.

Everything will be fine. I'll always support you!

When did Felix write this? Han chuckles, feeling even more at ease after reading her little brother's handwriting. He must've written it when she was preoccupied with her thoughts or something.

Han's phone then suddenly rings, and she's clearly aware of how it's definitely her one and only brother calling.

"Speak of the devil." She mutters and picks up the call, hearing a very loud voice on the other side.


She chuckles, knowing that her prediction turned out correct. "Ya?"

"Where the heck are you???"

"Whoa there, why are you so worried? Didn't you see the note I left for you?" She asks, placing her notes onto the bench.

"I did, but it's just unusual for you to go out for a walk???"

"Oi, don't treat me some kind of a snail or something. I need my walks too sometimes, to get my mind clear and such." She sighs, which gains Felix's attention.

"Ah, so you're feeling nervous? Don't worry about it sis, you'll do well."

"Uhh, thanks...?" Han replies, sounding more like a question though.

"Still, waking up so early is really—"

"AKSDLFHALKS Felix, don't interrupt me for now. I know you're gonna diss me so bad but I really need my me-time right now to deal with something you can't even understand later. I'll tell you how it goes when you get home from school okay?!"

"School? But—"

"See ya!"

Han quickly turns off the phone before giving Felix a chance to further talk about her habits of waking up late. She was grateful that he left that supporting message on her note, but lowkey starts regretting now after getting teased.

But then it hit her. Why is his note there to begin with? 

While she's trying to recollect her memories and think about her situation, her phone rings again, making her roll her eyes. Felix really does like teasing her after all.

Without even looking at the caller ID, Han picks up and sighs, "What is it again, Lee Yongbok?"



Han instantly stands up from the bench, millions of questions running through her head. But she decides to calm down and sit again after taking a deep breath, "W-What's up?"

"We have to meet. NOW."


"I need to discuss some things with you!"

"Things?!" Her mind starts going chaotic, a bunch of voices starts speaking in her head due to the phenomenon she's currently experiencing. She feels nervous and scared since things start making no sense.

"Y-You shouldn't know me, Jisung..."

"I know, Hanseol. This is exactly why we need to talk. It's about us."

Han doesn't know what to reply—she literally goes speechless at Jisung's sentence.

"I'll see you in front of the exhibition, okay? YOU BETTER COME!"

And with that, Jisung instantly cuts off her line, not even taking a 'no'. Han runs her hand through her hair as sweat starts dripping out of anxiety.

"What the heck is happening? How does Jisung have my phone number when time is supposed to repeat itself today?" She questions herself, very confused about the situation until she notices the date on her phone;

Saturday, 14. 



I'm sorry for the one-month delay, I will return to updating this story once a week ^^

Also, question of the day. What do you think happened? Spill the tea on the comment section HAHA I'M PRETTY CURIOUS

ALSO OMG GOD'S MENU IS FIYAHHHHHH SUCH SICK BEAT (p.s. Hyunjin looks so good in long blonde omg)

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