He's Just a Phase, Right? [Diagon Alley]

Start from the beginning

"I'm not hungry thank you. Draco lets go!" you pulled his arm, causing him to drop the doughnut he had just picked up.

"But I'M hungry!" he whined.

"So you can get something there! We'll run out of time if we don't get there early!" you said excitedly.

"It's 9 in the morning! How long will this take?" he asked, taking a pinch of Floo Powder.

"Oh probably all day." you threw the powder in the fire, yelled Diagon Alley, and whooshed out of sight before Draco could protest. You fell out of the Leaky Cauldron fireplace and got up quickly so Draco wouldn't step on you. Seconds later Draco walked out of the fireplace. How does he not fall?!

"I have an idea! Why don't you eat here while I go get your Christmas present?" you suggested. He agreed and you left him there. Now what does he want? You walked around for a little while, not really sure what to get him. I mean, it's Draco. He has everything! Something glinted in the sunlight that caught your eye from the shop in front of you. You walked in and looked at the display. Watches. Beautiful gold and silver watches. Draco doesn't have a watch like these! You picked one out, a nice silver one and paid for it. You were thankful that your dad was good for something, and that something was money. You weren't nearly as rich as Draco, but you could afford this watch, so that was enough for you. You came out and found Draco sitting on a bench down the road.

"What did you get me?" he said reaching for the bag. You slapped his hand away.

"You didn't let me see my present!" you said. He scowled and got up. You walked down the road, hand in hand, not really looking at the stores.

"Draco?" you asked.


"Your father is the only person you talked to last night?" Draco looked at you questioningly. "I mean, you didn't see anyone else?" you continued. He looked away into the Quidditch shop window as we passed it.

"No. Just father." he said. You bit your lip.

"Stop it!" he said.

"Stop what?" you asked.

"Worrying." he said.

"I'm sorry. It's just... You aren't acting yourself today." you sighed. He pulled you to him and gave you a kiss.

"How about now?" he smiled.

"Much better." you said, wrapping your arms around his neck. You kissed for a minute or so before getting back to shopping. That afternoon you bought Hermione a set of new fancy quills and parchment, Ron a big box filled with every kind of candy that was sold, and for Harry some new products for broomcare. You wanted to get something better for him, but you knew he was crazy about his broom so you just got that.

"Okay I'm done!" you said.

"Come here." Draco said, and he took you into a dress shop.

"Why am I looking for a dress?" you asked.

"Christmas dinner." he explained.

"Oh. Well okay." you looked through the dresses. They were all so pretty, and you were sad that you could only pick one. After about an hour and a lot of whining from Draco, you decided on a dress. It was a brownish goldish color and the front stopped at your knees and went diagnally downward til it got to your ankles in the back. You tried it on and came out to show Draco.

"What do you think?" you asked.

"I think you look hot." he said. You just laughed, and turned to look at yourself in the mirror in the dressing room. It wasn't Christmas colors, but it complimented your skin tone and body shape so nicely you didn't care. You saw Draco come up behind you in the mirror. He hugged you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"So is it easy to get out of?" he started kissing your neck. You laughed.

"Draco you are acting like when we first met! Stop, someone will see you and then we are gonna get in trouble." you whispered. He responded by closing the dressing room door. "Draco..."

"Since when do you care about getting into trouble?" he asked.

"Er..." you had to admit he had a good point. So, you turned around and kissed him hungrily, leaning against the wall. Draco smirked against your lips and pulled the zipper of your dress down. It fell to the floor and you kicked it aside, thankful you were wearing your sexy Victoria's Secret underwear and matching bra today. Suddenly someone banged on your dressing room door. You jumped and let go of Draco.

"You two! Get dressed and come out of there! This isn't a motel!" someone yelled from the other side. You got dressed quickly and Draco and you came out to face a very angry store owner. Draco paid for the dress quickly and you both exited the dress shop. Then you burst out laughing.

"I think I'm ready to go now." you said in between giggles. You walked back to the Leaky Cauldron and Flooed yourself back to the Malfoy Manor. Draco told you to meet him in his room after you dropped your stuff off. You walked upstairs and threw your stuff on the bed. Just then you remembered that the Malfoys were gone for the night. You smiled as you undressed. You changed into your sexy black underwear and put just a white robe over it. It was slightly see through, which made it all the better. You walked across the hall to Draco's room to see that he was just laying in his bed. He looked up slowly, and his eyes widened when he saw you and he got up from the bed fast.

"Nuh uh." you said, pushing his chest so that he walked backward until he got to his desk chair. You pushed him down onto it. You pressed your body against his as you bent down, your mouth a centimeter from his ear.

"I'm in charge tonight, remember?" you said seductively. Then you get up and walked away to the door. He watched you hungrily as you closed the it slowly, letting the robe open and fall to the floor...

He's Just a Phase, Right? (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now