The boy in the vines seemed to feel the same way but somehow managed to spill out his name. ""

A few slow turns later, Blake noticed something different...The next corridor leads to darkness.

It was the end of the Maze.

Minho looked at Thomas, whose face showed a bit of relief. "Don't get excited," he puffed out.

Both boys got closer, staring out at the sparkling stars. What were they waiting for? Come on they're going to be coming soon, Blake thought.

"I don't get it," Thomas whispered in disbelief.

"Careful," Minho warned. "You wouldn't be the first shank to fall off the Cliff."

Shank? What the heck was a shank? And who else was stuck in this Maze, Blake asked in her head.

The Asian boy grabbed the vine boy's shoulder. "Did you forget something?"

"I didn't, so stop staring off at the stars and get your butts moving!" Blake said, pointing to their escape.

Minho shook his head. "No, no. I have a better idea then just running."

"Those things may be vicious," Minho said, "but they're dumb as dirt. Stand here, close to me, facing-"

Thomas cut him off. "I know. I know, I'm ready."

Blake stood there confused about what they were planning. Then it clicked. But somewhere deep down told Blake, that maybe she didn't have to kill the creature.

"No, maybe there is another way, like that big door. We could get that open and maybe that's our way out."

Minho shook his head and started to chuckle. "That door doesn't lead out. And those creatures ain't going to stop chasing us, so put your big girl pants on and come here."

The boys' plan would work, but she couldn't block out the voice telling her to not do it. Just listen to them, she told herself.

She joined the two boys in the middle of the corridor, watching as the creatures lined up in a single file line. Her heels were nipping at the edge.

"We need to be in sync!" Minho yelled, which was replied by the noises of the creatures. "On my mark!"

Then like boulders during an avalanche, one by one they rolled towards them. The distance between the creatures and them decreasing, leaving them only seconds away from them.

"Ready," Minho said firmly. "Not yet... Not yet."

Blake wanted to bolt out of the way right then, but she waited with her heart pumping.


Just as the creature was about to nip them, Thomas, Minho, and Blake dove into different directions. Blake followed Thomas to the right side while Minho went to the left. She closed her eyes, listening to the creature's screams as they rolled off the cliff.

When Blake heard the sharp stop of the last Griever, she knew what the boys were about to do.

"No, stop!" She screamed at the boys. She grabbed Thomas's arm to stop him from pushing off the last Griever.

"What are you doing!" He hissed at her.

She stared at the Griever who had to stop moving. The Griever was making a sort gurgling sound. He seemed familiar. More familiar then the others. She let go of Thomas's arm moving slowly to the creature.

"What the shuck is she doing!" Minho demanded.

The creature was sniffing around searching for her scent. The Griever suddenly didn't move.

"I saw him before," she observed, moving closer to the creature.

"Yeah, you saw it before because it was chasing us!" Minho yelled, thudding his hands against his pants.

The Griever made a low growl at Minho's voice. His spikes poked from its wet skin, making that slurp like sound.

"I feel as if I saw it from somewhere else, like besides this Maze."

The Griever pushed the spikes into his back in and out of its back, slowly. Then, the creature started to scoot towards Blake.

"Hey, girl! He's gonna eat your face off!"

Blake didn't listen to their protest, instead, she let the creature come closer to her. She wasn't afraid, even though she probably should be. It has to mean something if that was the only thing that seem familiar to me, Blake thought. Soon their faces were a few feet apart. Blake could feel the heavy breathing of the creature against her face. The Griever took in a large inhale in, drool like slime dropped from it's mouth.

She tired to ignore the smell and the disgusting sounds of the creature, trying to noticed something to spark her memories. In the middle of its three finger claw was a number engraved into it.

Seven. GA7.


(Okay some of you will be like how can she "tame" a Griever if Wicked controls them. Well, there is reason you will find out. This will be explained a little bit in a later chapter.

 This will be explained a little bit in a later chapter

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Griever Tamer|| The Maze Runner¹/ MinhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora