Romance (Saitama x Reader)

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Summary: It's a well-known fact that Saitama doesn't feel anything, but that doesn't mean he can't try.

It was no surprise that your boyfriend was someone who wasn't really fond of romance. Being emotionless didn't really work for his favour either. 

But Saitama decided a long time ago, that he would do anything not to lose you. He tried to be romantic as much as he could. He read a lot into it as well.

So, it was no surprise to you, that when he asked you to stay over at his place, you found the whole apartment lit with candles and flowers. 

Your heart always melted whenever he did something like this. You found it incredibly cute.

"Sai?" you called out when you didn't find him in the living room. His apartment was rather small so he couldn't really hide anywhere.

Suddenly the door to the balcony opened, and there he stood. With his usually yellow shirt on.

"Oh, you are early." he said. He must have been watering his cactus.

"I might have been a tad bit too excited so I got here quickly. But I did get us some sweets from the store." you said placing the plastic bag onto his table. He didn't say anything, his usual blank expression on his face.

But he soon gathered himself as you put all your stuff out of the way and he walked over to you and kissed you. 

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you." you knew that he must have learned that from one of his manga, but you just decided to take the compliment. You kissed him back. "So, what did you plan?" you asked, knowing that there had to be one. Saitama usually had a list of what he wanted and needed to do on dates, but of course, you never told him that you knew about that list. 

"A movie, you got snacks but I have some too."


"All the cuddling." he answered and watched as your smile grew. He loved it when you smiled, that's what made him feel again. 

His futon was a bit small for two people, but he managed to pull you into his body just right, so you could fit.

Saitama had your back against his chest as a horror movie played. Saitama read it somewhere that if your partner is scared, they will cling onto you, and that's exactly what he wanted and why he picked a movie that would surely terrify you.

And so that's how you spent the rest of the evening, cuddled up into his very muscular chest while watching the movie. He occasionally squeezed you closer to himself when he felt that you were scared.

And scared you were.

The movie was absolutely terrifying. 

And once it finally ended, you were very grateful. You looked at the clock and saw that it was actually pretty late, so you decided to go, take a bath and go to sleep.

"Sai, will you join me to the bath?"

"I-I already had a bath, before you arrived."

"Oh." you didn't push it further, seeing his red flustered face was enough. Into the bathroom, you went to enjoy a warm bath. Although the movie was scary, the thought of sleeping in the arms of the Worlds strongest helped a lot with easing your mind. You wondered if he did it on purpose or was he just genuinely interested in the movie since you knew he liked these kinds of films. 

Anyways, you got out of the bath and put your pyjama on. When you got back to the futon, Saitama blew the candles out and was already half asleep. You turned the TV off and went ahead to lay down beside your boyfriend. He pulled you close as you placed your head on his chest.

Falling asleep you felt so lucky because even though Saitama is emotionless, you were very thankful for the things he did and how hard he tried. 

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