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Chapter 10:

*trigger warning: sexual assault*

The next week flew by as I attended several dates performing heavily for the cameras to produce some good footage for the Report on Friday. My dad had informed me of some civil unrest and was sure that my selection would put the focus on me rather than their own unrest, I was unconvinced but I daren't speak against the king, not that he was harsh in any way, but he always knew best.

I held a group date with 4 of my suitors, Wyatt included in attempts to force him to interact with the other gentlemen, very unsuccessful. We took the horses out on a simple ride around the palace gardens, the date ending with their individual interviews on what they thought of palace life and what they thought of me. That scared me a bit, not that I would think that any if the gentlemen would speak ill of me, but I was more scared of hearing what they truly thought.

My second and third dates were individual with Michael and with Tobias, and they both consisted of dessert in one of the many parlours around the palace. Determined to see past the air of superiority that existed around Michael, I was surprised to find that our conversations flowed naturally, and the hours passed like minutes. Tobias, on the other hand, was a terrible conservationist and we fell into many awkward silences when I realised we had absolutely nothing in common. On the plus side, we shot some excellent footage for the report.

My fourth date of the week was with Angus Adams, a baker from Kent. Despite my initial hesitation at his brash behaviour and unfortunate height, I found that we got along extremely well, he was funny and charming and had many stories about his childhood. He told me about his twelve siblings, all older than himself and how Christmas was always eventful. We met awkwardly in silence when he remembered how I no longer had a brother but I brought back the lighthearted tone when I spoke about my dad's sisters and how joyous they were. Elsie was now the Queen or France, with three of her own children, whereas Celeste was more a free spirt who had mothered a son from a man whom we do not know, it was quite a scandal, but we love little Dorian with all our hearts.

Exhausted by all of the dating but still on a high from the lunch I shared with Angus, I took a deep breath before venturing into the Men's Parlour determined to get a fifth date. Scanning my eyes around the room looking for my target, I initially locked eyes with Liam. He gave me a desperate look, like he was begging to speak with me but too afraid of rejection if he initiated it. I allowed my eyes to drift and then they met with Joseph Medway, a candidate from Clermont.

"Would you like to accompany myself on a date, Sir Joseph?" I asked approaching his little group.

His eyes lit up immediately like a child on Christmas morning before nodding his response. I took his hand and led him in the corridor.

"I thought we could skip the cameras, your highness, I'm a bit camera shy," he blushed allowing me to loop my arm in his.

"That would be wonderful, truth be told it is a bit exhausting with them following me all day as I make my first attempt to date." That last part was not necessarily true but I was not ready to allow anyone to know about Liam and I's past.

I suggested the movie theatre for our date and he eagerly agreed, I wondered if he enjoyed movies as much as I did.

Reaching the theatre, I sent away the guards thinking we could do with some privacy, and who was going to attack me this deep in the palace?

We settled into the comfortable theatre seats before discussing what film we would watch. I vouched for a romance or a comedy but Joseph was pretty set on watching an action film. Somehow he had gotten his way and we were watching some old fashioned superhero film from the 21st century.

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