Fire meets Ice

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'Smack!' something hard hit me on my left cheek, jabbing me out of my sleep. "It's five in the morning and you're still lying on your bed while I'm damn hungry" a voice said, I didn't bother locating the source. My face stung like a bitch but I refused to touch it, that was the only way I could get at the man standing in front of me. "I said I'm hungry!" He barked, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me roughly to the tiled floor. I sat up, allowing my long dark hair fall at the sides of my face. I sat still, like a mannequin, un-flinching. He raised his hand to hit me again then abruptly retrieved it. "Fuck it, you might just poison me or something" he said, and with that he was out of my room.

  A small smile curved my lips as I heard him jog down the stairs, I waited to hear his truck back out of the driveway before finally standing up." Asshole" I mumured, before walking into the bathroom. I walked to the sink and picked my toothbrush. After brushing my teeth, I took off my clothes and got into the tub.

   The name's Nicole Everlyn. I'm tall, slender with small black eyes that match my hair. That's right, nothing special about this one,  just your average eighteen year old. Also the daughter of an abusive father, who blames me for the death of his beloved wife. I live in Malltown, Princeton and I'm currently going through the most annoying stage of my life...
Princeton high. Well, not exactly so annoying, since I'm invisible. Yeah you heard me right

    Invisible:  that cannot be seen. A very simple and straightforward definition. Now don't get me wrong, I'm full body an soul and all that shit, if I walked past you, you would see me, but you wouldn't notice me. Overtime, I've come to realize that they are two different things and I specialize in being unnoticed.  Why? Because I don't want anyone getting into my business and judging my situation and decisions, giving me stupid advice because they think it's so easy to be on my side of the room. Surviving the past eighteen years of my life has been courtesy every decision and judgement I made, and in my opinion, I've done just fine, so I don't need the pressure. And I don't need love  and all the stupid things it makes you do, it only makes someone feel pitiful for you all the time to the point of doing crazy ass shit just because they decide that the term 'boyfriend' is suddenly another name for Batman. But I've never asked for a hero and I don't need one. How do I  know all these things? Let's just say I watch too much TV.

  I spent another hour on the toilet with my phone, fuck my dad for waking me up so early. After a while of going through stories of people I didn't give two fucks about on Instagram, I got dressed and jogged downstairs to make something to eat. Some minutes later I was on the dining table with a plate of toast, poached eggs and a mug of milk. By the time I was done, it was school time. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the house. Princeton high was just off my street -Henny street- , so I usually walk it. I greeted the neighbors as I passed them, making sure I kept my reputation as the sweetest girl on my street. I didn't need them giving me pitiful looks as I walked to school every morning, so I tried my best to smile and hide my scars. Couple minutes later, I was at the stairs leading to the entrance of my school. It was crowded with students as classes had not yet started. I climbed up the stairs and walked through the door leading to the main hallway. There was noise, crowd and bustling students everywhere, I blended into the crowd and made my way to my locker, dialing my code as I got to it and opening it. I looked for he books for my first class which was chemistry . Spotting the book, I pulled it out and closed my locker then I rushed to class. Finding a safe spot at the back of the class close to a window, I rushed to it and sat. I put on my earpiece and played an Ariana playlist as I looked out the window. A few seconds later, the door flung open, I jumped on my seat. That wasn't supposed to happen until fifteen minutes later when everyone would start rushing in, not noticing my presence. I looked up to see Jace Cowell, the famous high school jock. In only a minute I had gotten a full body scan of his tall athletic build, to his full pink lips, then his stunning blue eyes and finally his short, curly, jet black hair. He was too beautiful to be human. He stood at the door for a few minutes, engrossed in something he was doing on his phone, I shifted my gaze back out the window to stare at the nothing-ness of everything, staring at him was definitely more interesting and I was tempted, but I maintained my composure." Hey, I don't think I've seen you before" he said. I was convinced he couldn't have been talking to me so I just kept staring outside." Hey" he called out again, his voice closer this time, I turned to see him looming over me." Yeah?" I asked, wondering where my voice has gone , and then I heard a female voice scream his name behind him, he turned and I caught a glimpse at the owner of the voice, Layla Patel. Few years back, the ebony beauty used to be the smartest girl in school, well till she became Jace's girlfriend. " I've been looking all over for you" she said,  completely oblivious of my presence then she pulled him out. It should've hurt, but it didn't. I was used to it, and I was glad she'd gotten me out of a brewing awkward moment, but as I sat there, I kept on wondering why Jace of all people, would notice me of all people.

The bell rung for first class and soon enough students started streaming into the class noisily. As usual I planted my head on the desk and waited to hear the teacher's voice. " Can I have some order in my class please?" The short bald man with the widest goggles I'd ever seen said, stepping into the class and making way to his table. Soon after, the class fell silent. " Good morning class" he greeted, we all mumbled a "good morning Mr Brown"  and he continued. " As said in our last class, today we wouldn't be discussing a new topic because I would be grouping you all into twos, for the practicals of our last topic. This project will be submitted two weeks from now, fortunately that is more than enough time for something so simple" he picked up a paper and started calling out names and pairing them with other names. Projects, that was the only time somebody got to notice me, and  it didn't last because I played strict and got out of sight immediately after the project. " Nicole Everlyn"  Mr Brown called out, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him as he handed me a sheet of paper containing details of the project. " You're a bright student, so I'm partnering you with... Jonas Court" he said before walking away. I looked around for the guy who looked around for me, as we found each other, I almost gagged. You see, sitting at the back and staying unnoticed gives me a good advantage of observing everyone in class and this Jonas guy, was dumb as fuck, and by far the most disgusting being on the planet. As my eyes made its way back to the book I was reading, it met with another quite familiar pair of blue eyes, Jace's pair of blue eyes. He gave me a small smile and turned back, and at that point something scary hit me... He could see me

Okay, so this has been the first chapter of this book, and boy has it been fun. This chapter is supposed to be longer than this according to the draft I wrote on a book, but I'm trying to give it more than just eight chapters so I'm stopping her for now.
  So what do you think about Nicole?
I'm in love with her!!!
If you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to vote and comment.
Stay safe, stay beautiful and stay alive!!!

/ Mallow

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