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Harry Potter, the Chosen One, the Boy Who Lived, was dead. Allison didn't know how to feel as she stood over his dead body. She once hated this boy, he had life easy while she didn't. She and Blaise eventually joined Edward and Barty on becoming Death Eaters and they've won the war. All her new friends were on her side, including Mayleen, and Allison truly felt happy. The guilt of murdering Ron wasn't there anymore because his best friends were dead too. Barty had particularly enjoyed torturing Hermione, he and Bellatrix both. Allison and Blaise walked hand in hand as they walked towards the castle, to see how many soldiers they've lost. At this point, only two. Rabastan Lestrange and Valentine Crabbe.

"Lady G is mine!" Theo suddenly said, racing past her and Allison screamed after him, chasing him.

"Theo! Lady's with me!" Allison said, accidentally tripping on the rubble and she landed painfully. She shrugged it off even though she felt blood pour from somewhere. As Allison turned the corner, she saw Theo and tackled him to the ground. "Lady's with me! She likes me!"

Allison kicked him in the gut before she sprinted towards Lady's portrait and quickly grabbed it, easily avoiding the super dramatic Theo and ran outside, where Barty, Edward, Draco and Blaise stood. Draco's eyes landed on Lady's portrait.

"You're bleeding." Edward told her and Allison touched her face, sure enough, there was blood and only then, the pain came.

"I fell." Allison shrugged and Draco lunged for Lady's portrait. "Lady's with me!" She screamed, attacking him and the portrait fell to the floor. Her fingers found his throat and Draco jabbed her in the ribs and Allison grunted in pain, scratching his face when she fell off. "Lady's with me."

"And yet people wonder why she's in Gryffindor." Edward rolled his eyes. "Come on Ally, this Lady of yours probably wants to get out of here."

Allison shot up. "Wait! There's another portrait I like!" She suddenly remembered something. "Theo!" Then she went racing back into the castle, avoiding the debris as best as she could.

"She's mad." Barty said, chuckling as he picked up Lady's portrait.

"More like mentally, emotionally and physically disturbed." Draco shook his head, dusting himself off and Blaise quickly mended his face and the finger Allison managed to break. "She's bloody strong."

After a few minutes of waiting, Allison finally arrived, doused in more blood and Theo was equally as bloody, though Allison looked happy as she clutched a portrait.

"Are you happy now Ally-Wally?" Draco asked, bored.

"Never been happier Ferret."

"That was years ago!" Draco grumbled before grabbing Blaise's arm and Allison intertwined her fingers with Blaise's hand before they all Apparated away.


"You have weird friends." Edward hummed at Allison one afternoon as they sat in the backyard. Allison punched him on the arm and Edward groaned. Allison rolled her eyes at this. "How about we stop watching Theo and Emilio strangle each other senseless, stop watching Pansy and Mayleen giggle at their stupidity and stop watching Draco and Blaise satre a hole through us and play a nice game of Truth or dare? Using Veritaserum to make sure we tell the the truth and nothing but the truth?"

Barty, who was beside them, agreed with this. As well as Draco and Blaise (Nothing to hide, they said.) and Emilio and Theo (My throat burns like the embers of my dying soul, Theo dramatically added.) and lastly the girls agreed too. After Edward retrieved the serum and forced everyone to take three drops, he pocketed the vial and rubbed his hands together, before they landed on Emilio, who gulped.

"Emilio, truth or dare?" Allison watched, intrigued, as Emilio ran a hand through his dark hair and as he closed his eyes for a second before smiling. Allison knew then he didn't pick truth.

"Dare." Emilio proudly said, folding his arms over his chest as he puffed it out.

"I dare you to touch Mayleen's hair." Edward beamed as Emilio slowly turned his head to look at Mayleen, who narrowed her dark eyes at him and Emilio gulped. "Refuse and you owe us all twenty Sickles."

Emilio sighed. He knew he had more than that but giving away money wasn't Emilio Vance's style, he'd rather horde it all for himself. It was his money, wasn't it? "Mayleen, please? Just a strand then?"

"Touch my hair Vance, and you die." Mayleen snarled and Emilio gulped, nodding.

"I'll pay you all tomorrow." He grumbled. "Blaise, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Blaise replied, staring at the trees in the backyard.

"Was Allison your first?" Allison blushed a bright red and sunk further into the chair, using Edward's bulky figure to hide her face.

"Yes." Blaise replied and Allison burned a brighter of red. She felt special of course but did he have to say it to everyone? Curse the damn truth serum! "Pansy, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Pansy replied, though she looked worried. She knew that she couldn't take it back, for it was already out, so she just hoped Blaise wouldn't ask her something personal.

"Shang Cho-rong, ring a bell?" He asked and all eyes were on Pansy and she gulped.

"Yes." She looked down. "This isn't how I wanted to come out but yes, I know Shang. We're lovers."

Allison raised a brow. "Isn't she with Florence Highwaters? I've seen them together." Emilio looked down at the mention of Florence's name and Allison felt sorry for him.

"Florence thought so. Shang and I have been together since third year." Pansy shrugged, though she kept her head down, blushing. "Barty, truth or dare?"

Barty smirked. "If I chose truth, everyone will know what happened between me and a certain someone, but even if I do chose dare, they'll know." Allison commanded every muscle in her body not to tense up, and she tried her best not to look stressed. "So, I choose truth."

This is where she'll die because Blaise is going to murder her like he murdered his mother.

"Who is this certain someone and what did you do?" Pansy asked, clearly interested now.

"Well, you see. She told me she had a crush on me and one thing led to another, and I killed her." Barty shrugged. Allison resisted the urge to release a sigh of relief. "Emrin Yaxley." He shrugged again and looked at Allison, who focused her gaze on Blaise instead, who was looking at his wand. Allison felt his his gaze but she refused to meet his gaze. How he resisted the Veritaserum, Allison didn't know.

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