〔17〕 : Dumbledore' s death

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Allison felt extremely horrible the next day, and that's when she noticed that this was her last day at Hogwarts. The last day she'll ever see Blaise, last day she'll ever see any of her friends. Masami and the others were already up and had already packed their things. Allison was glad it was Friday. She avoided Hermione, Harry, Ginny and Neville when she made her way to the Great Hall, where she wordlessly ate her breakfast. She knew she had a free period after breakfast so she trekked to Lady Godiva's portrait, who was happy to see her.

"Something is troubling you Allison, may I ask what it is?" Lady Godiva asked and Allison brought her knees up to her chest before she buried her head in them and cried. "Yes dear, cry. It helps."

Allison sniffed. "I've done something horrible Lady Godiva and I can't live with myself knowing someone else will be punished for what I did."

Lady Godiva smiled at her sadly. "Whatever you do Allison, don't commit suicide. Think of all the people you will hurt."

"I wasn't going to kill myself Lady Godiva."

"Please, call me Lady or Godiva." Lady Godiva smiled at her again. "I might be a portrait Allison, but I've had my share of pain in my life. Witches and wizards were burnt at the stake during my time. I was burnt at the stake, and my already dead and burnt body was then hung, to display to everyone."

"I'm a murderer Lady." Allison whispered, fearful someone might hear her, though she knew not many knew about Lady's portrait. "I've killed someone to please someone I love."

"Honey, why did you do it?" Lady Godiva whispered. "If he truly loved you for you, he would have never asked you to do such an atrocious thing."

"I did it for love Lady. Love makes you do the stupidest things, some you regret and some you don't." Allison sighed. "I'll miss you Lady."

"As will I Allison."


After classes, Allison quickly packed her trunk and went searching for her friends. She found Theo and Emilio dancing like clowns for some Slytherin first years and her heart ached. She was glad they were happy and she wished she was that happy.

"Al? Are you okay?" Theo asked and shooed the first years away.

Allison sighed and smiled, tears spilling down her cheeks for the second time that day. "No." She shook her head, sitting down. "I'm not okay." She whispered.

"I'm sorry Allison." Theo said, and for the first time since knowing him, Theo sounded sincere and that scared Allison. Emilio then plopped down beside her.

"Earn is—um—dead." He suddenly blurted out as Theo sat down on her other side.

"I'm sorry Emilio." Theo sighed. "I wish I could tell the both of you that it will be okay but it probably won't be. Because this is life. It's bloody unfair and it keeps on changing." Theo sighed again. "I saw my mum die when I was five, it's haunted me since. It's why I want to make others happy because I know what pain feels like, I know how horrible it is to pretend you're happy when in fact, you're not."

"I'm dubbing you my new therapist." Emilio said and Allison giggled. "You're way better than my actual therapist."

Allison smiled at them both as she wiped away the tears and stood up. "I need to find Blaise."


Allison Newton knew she loved Blaise Zabini, and she knew she'd do anything for him. Be it murder again, she'd do it in a heartbeat.

"I don't know what to say." Blaise told her honestly as he fixed his robes and sat down next to Allison, who shrugged and fixed his tie for him.

"It happened and we can't turn back time." She told him and laid her head on his shoulder and Blaise sighed.

"I can't deny that." He said and they suddenly heard what sounded like footsteps and they both sat up. Blaise's she's suddenly went wide. "Death Eaters, they're Death Eaters." He whispered. Allison was about to ask how he knew this when suddenly someone barged in and Allison recognized him in a heartbeat.

"Edward!" She yelled, running up to him and she gave him a hug.

"Hey Ally. What are you two doing in an empty classroom?" He raised a brow at Blaise, who looked pale.

"Just talking." Allison shrugged. Someone else barged in and his eyes fell on Allison and he smiled. Allison knew him too and she thought he was dead, for they said he received the Dementor's Kiss and no one survives that. (For someone who was supposed to be dead, he looked extremely good looking.)

"Edward, they need us." Barty told Edward, who nodded and turned back to Allison, who looked at Barty as he went out the door with such swagger it was almost like a movie.

"Go Ed, go do your dark stuff." Allison said, smiling and Edward laughed at this.

"Now that's why you're my favorite cousin." He told her before running after Barty, who Allison was still not sure how he survived the Dementor's Kiss. Blaise was sitting down when Allison turned around and she slid in beside him.

"The Phoenix will sing, any minute now. If it does, Dumbledore's dead." Blaise said, emotionless. "There's a reason why my mother wants me to take out her trash every time."

Allison ended up staying with Blaise the entire night in the empty classroom until rays of sunshine woke them up. Allison figured they'd close the school, or they'd let the students pay their respect to a man who was probably the next Merlin. Truth was, Allison didn't really like Dumbledore. He always spoke in riddles and what he said never truly made sense. In her first year, the first thing he had said was "Donkeys, but cows, goats and Peeves." Till this day, Allison didn't know what that meant. She also never asked Blaise how he knew that ethere were Death Eaters in the school, or why he turned pale when he saw Barty Crouch Jr, though honestly, Allison didn't blame him. Barty was supposed to be dead. Dumbledore said he was dead, there was an article about it. Allison at the moment, didn't know what to believe anymore.

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