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Lorna's heart beat fasted as she heard the Baron talk about her and her siblings. Fear scattered across her body as she heard him announce that the Avengers were here. She wanted to help her siblings with there revenge but being with HYDRA wasn't a safe bet. The siblings toke a risk that day, get revenge and their identity would be safe or don't get revenge and get their identity revealed. It was a no brained when they first took the deal, but as time went on, trusting HYDRA turned out to be a really bad idea.

The man had promised that they would be safe from harm, and that they were helping the world. But that turned out to be a lie. HYDRA tortured them, trying to figure out how the siblings mutation worked. But the twins would not leave, stating to Lorna that all the pain would be worth it when they got their revenge. She held onto that, hoping it would be true but as time went on her faith in HYDRA helping them slowly deteriorated.

Pietro and Wanda grabbed their sister's hand, their telepathic link opening up. The three half listened to the Baron and the Agent talk about sending them out, instead they were more focused on coming up with a plan.

Lorna nodded her head just before her brother picked her up and dropped her off by a bunker. Pietro mutter a quick 'it will be ok' before taking out an explosive arrow Hawkeye fired. The man looked confused at not hearing the bunker explode, and began to shoot another one when Pietro knocked him down. "You didn't see that coming?" He asked Hawkeye, smirking and Lorna smiled at her brother's words. Pietro then ran somewhere else leaving behind a very confused man with a bow and arrows. See him being distracted, Lorna moved the bunker and fired at the man.

"Clint!" A concern Black Widow yelled, running towards her teammate. Quickly helping her friend she pressed her finger on her comm. "Clint's hit." She then moved to help Hawkeye, or as Lorna now knew his real name, Clint. Sensing that she could take out two Avengers, Lorna shot towards the two, missing them. "Someone want to deal with that bunker?" Black Widow asked her team, looking at the Bunker Lorna was currently behind. Fear spread across her body as a angry green body punched the bunker, the force of which sent Lorna across the forest, hitting her head on a near by tree to Black Widow and Hawkeye. Lorna soon began to see darkness as she passed out in the snow.

Natasha looked at the green haired girl that landed a few feet away from her. Hearing that Thor was going to get Clint to the jet, she quickly turned to the girl. Checking for a pulse, Natasha knew that the girl was still breathing. Her heart skipped a beat when Thor landed not to far from her. Sending him a look that basically screamed, 'do not interfere,' Natasha collected the girl. The girl's dark green hair feel across her face, but from what Natasha could tell, this girl had been through a lot.

Lorna knew that she was away from her siblings, their calming presence gone from her mind. Her fear spiked as she remembered what happened before she blacked out, an angry green fist. Jerking herself up, Lorna saw The Avengers, calming talking like they didn't just take her away from her family. Anger coursed through her veins and soon after the jet began to shake. "Let me go," Lorna screamed, the jet cracking under her anger.

The Black Widow grabbed a near by gun, shooting Lorna in the chest. Lorna felt her eyes become heavy, just before she passed out. The lat thing she heard was the Widow telling the others, "I really got to thank FitzSimmons for the ICERS."

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