Working hard and hardly working

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I changed my clothes knowing I'd probably end up covered in oil and fluid. I'd been working on the car for a few hours now, besides kitty bringing me something to drink every once in. A while I hadn't seen anyone.
"Hey y/n what're you doing?" Donna asked coming over.
"Fixing my car." I explained short and sweet.
"How come you didn't just bring it to the mechanics? I mean hello, your a woman you shouldn't be doing this, especially dressed like that." Jackie says before visibly cringing at my worker outfit.
"I didn't bring it in cause I'm poor, and I'm perfectly capable of fixing my own car, and I'm wearing this so I don't ruin my good clothes with car fluids." I say, giving Jackie a look, before going back to fixing it.
"But it's so ugly? You couldn't have gotten something pink, oouu with sparkles!" She says clapping her hands, i looked to donna who just let out a sigh.
"they must have been out" i say, i end up cutting my arm on something, i don't want to point fingers but it's because jackie wouldn't shut up. i got out of the hood and looked at my arm, it was a pretty big scratch, bleeding a little more then i'd like.
"oh my god y/n!" jackie says, loud. loud enough for Eric and Hyde to hear and come see .
"oh my god what happened." eric starts freaking out.
"my arm just got caught on something, it's fine." i tell him getting another look at my arm, not totally believing my own words.
"i'm going to get my mom." Eric tells me before rushing into the house.
"you just dripped! are you gonna die from blood loss, can i have your shoes if you do?" jackie says pointing to the boots i took off not long ago and placed over to the side.
"jackie, she's not dying." donna says, sounding annoyed. Eric and Kitty came out of the house, kitty holding a first aid kit, she got right to work patching me up, the alcohol hurt worse then the cut itself but i guess infection isn't worth skipping the step, she finally wrapped my arm tightly and tied it, doing the mom thing and giving it a gentle kiss.
"thanks Kitty, feeling better already." i tell her then tried to get back to my car but got stopped by kitty.
"dear you can't work until your arm is healed, in fact no heavy lifting, reaching up to high, and don't move around to hard, your cut with reopen and then i might have to take you to get real stitches instead of just a wrap." she tells me
"but my car, i need to get it fixed." i say, well kind of whine but that's not relevant to the story.
"i'm sorry y/n but that's a deep cut, i don't want you bleeding out on my watch." she says, turning around and going back into the house, when she was out of sight i picked up my wrench and went to go back to work but someone ripped the wrench from my grip before i could even touch my car with it.
"you heard mrs foreman, no hard work." hyde says throwing the wrench back with the tools.
"i need to get my car fixed so i can get the hell out of point place." i say going to grab it again but eric stepped in front of me.
"look we all want to get the hell out of point place, but my mom said you'd bleed out and i heard that's bad for your health." Eric says, doing his dumb little smile he does after he says something he thinks is funny.
"no i have to, i can't stay here for too long." i say trying and failing at going around him.
"why do you have to?" donna asked, i stopped for a second thinking about telling them, i mean they are my friends i should trust them right?
"whatever i needed a drink anyways." i say then as fast as i could without running went into the kitchen, where kitty sat arms crossed and a look on her face.
"if you're running from something you have to tell me dear." she tells me, the stern look never even wavering from her face. i looked behind me and saw eric donna and hyde talking. i think kitty got the idea and she gently grabbed my hand and led me into the living room, the two of us sat on the couch.
"you can tell me anything dear, i won't judge you." kitty says in a soft voice.
"i'm not running from something.... it's someone, a really awful someone, someone who shouldn't breathe air but does and the only way i could get away from that someone is by fleeing the state and moving across half of them." i say, taking a deep breath after.
"who? i don't understand who, or how someone could scare you into moving across states, Red didn't even make you bat an eye." kitty asks me confused
"he was a lot worse then Red, Red cares, he's a father and even if he doesn't like it being a father makes some people soft, but the guy... he has nothing in his chest but coal, he doesn't give a shit about anything." i tell her, tears began to prick my eye.
"what did he do?" she asked me, gently putting a hand on my knee to comfort me.
"god what didn't he do? when we first started dating he was sweet, he did nice things for me, even helped me fix up my car the first time i got her." i told kitty, her face had a look of fear and sorrow.
"did he beat you dear?"
"i wish that was all he did." at this point tears were pouring down my face, i couldn't remember the last time i cried in front of someone. i looked up at kitty and she had a single tear going down her cheek, she pulled me into a hug and held me there while i cried into her shoulder. i don't really know how long we sat there, even after i was done crying and my eyes dried up she held me in her arms, i felt protected, like nothing could hurt or get to me, for the first time in a long time i didn't feel the need to be on the road constantly moving so he couldn't find me.
"oh don't tell me there's crying." Red grunted coming into the living room, i guess he's off work.
"not anymore." i say wiping my eyes
"y/n if you're ready i think you should tell Red what you told me, he could help, and if that boy ever showed up here, he should be prepared." Kitty tells me
"no boys in lauries room." he says simply, sitting in his chair.
"no Red, not like that." Kitty kind of snapped, getting his attention, then he got a look at my face, seeing the dried tears and red puffy eyes,
"oh well... whatever it is you can tell me." Red said really awkwardly, he's not as good at this as kitty was, i explained to him why i was on the road, the real reason, who my ex boyfriend was and briefly explained how horrible and messed up he was. Red seemed almost angry, i hope it's not at me.
"if that boy ever shows his face here i'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass he'll be tasting the bottom off my boot for months!" Red raised his voice, i've never had people so worked up about me, or something affecting me, even when my parents were alive they didn't give much of a shit.
"y/n why don't you go to the basement with the gang, i think me and Red should have a talk." she says, i nod and got up, going to the basement where it looked like fez was getting rookied by the guys, while the girls sat on the couch doing nothing.
"your not gonna try and work on your car again are you?" Eric asked me
"no, i'm gonna let my arm heal, and there's another thing i'm gonna have to worry about so i'm taking the mandatory pause." i say plopping on the couch next to donna.
"does that mean you can get out of those ugly overalls." jackie commented, looking my oil covered pants up and down.
"i totally could, but seeing as how you hate it so much i think i'll wear them for the rest of the day." i say, putting my hand to my chin thinking dramatically.
"but we're going to a disco! you can't wear that out." she blurts out loud, really lathering on how much she hates my work pants.
"ew disco sucks i'll pass." i say shaking my head
"finally someone with taste." hyde jokes
"oh come on y/n, you should come, it'll be super fun, dancing, music blasting." donna says trying to persuade me.
"wow shitty music. and a bunch of sweaty strangers huddled in a small space, sounds like a blast." i roll my eye, but clearly someone didn't pick up on my sarcasm cause next thing i know jackie is squealing in my ear
"great so you're coming, ouuu let's go pick out your outfit!!" she's says excited, she grabbed my arm and dragged me off the couch and up the stairs, i pleaded for donnas help but she just shook her head, it wasn't until jackie yelled her name that she got up and reluctantly followed.

almost an hour later jackie is done going threw my bags and had an outfit ready
"i guess this will have to do, where are all your dresses?" she ask
"ashes in a fire pit now." i tell her, she seemed almost offended that i'd burn clothes.
"oh no! i have to go get ready! i'll see you guys in a bit." she says before she rushes out the door and down the stairs.
"i should probably go get ready too, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but a night out would be fun." donna tells me, then heads out too. she's not wrong, it would be fun, and i could get past the shitty music and lame dancing. i let out a huge sigh and started getting ready, when my makeup and hair were done i looked at myself in the mirror, the bandage really takes away from the look so i threw on a shawl and completed my look

 i let out a huge sigh and started getting ready, when my makeup and hair were done i looked at myself in the mirror, the bandage really takes away from the look so i threw on a shawl and completed my look

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