" 'What relationship do you have with her?' 'Does she use any special ointments to look so beautiful?' 'What does she work as?' 'Why does it look like you hate-...' That's all." Mikasa answered as she turned her head away from me.

I felt as if I was going to explode. Why would they need to know so much? Why can't they just leave us alone?

"Hey! You weirdos! Leave us alone! Can't you see we don't want you near us!" I shouted at the crowd of men and women who followed us with cameras, taking photos. Who knew how many they had of her...

Estelle stopped in her steps and turn around. I couldn't see what she was doing, but I could hear her voice... and it sounded terrifying.

"Leave." was all she said in the most chilling way possible. After that, I could hear quick steps fading away. "...Finally! Now let's take you home before one of them has the balls to come back." Estelle says in a happy tone and turned back around, continuing to walk.

       ~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

Once we made it back to my house she put me and Armin down. He woke up a minute or two before and was surprisingly calm.

I invited him in and he decided, saying how he needs to help his grandpa with chores and such. Sadly his parents left him long before he could even remember their faces. They wanted to travel all around to see what else there is and they never came back.

"Well, I'm going back to my apartment. I'm tired as fuuu-" She turned and before she walked away I stopped her and grabbed her wrist.

"W-Wait!" She turned and raised a brow at me. I lowered my head in embarrassment, let go of her, and apologized. After a few seconds of silence, she ruffled my hair like she always did when she knew I was upset or nervous.

"Damn, Eren. You don't have to get so nervous just to ask me to hang with you. Besides, it's been a while since we've played together." She said as she dragged me inside.

I glanced at Mikasa and saw her glaring not at me, but at Estelle. I don't know why, but whenever she does it annoys me, and I don't know why she glares at her like that.

Once we entered she swung me forward. I stumbled around but managed to balance myself up. "Hey!-" When I turned towards her, she looked forward with a pissed off look and took out her sharp knife that was in her bag.

I turned to see who it was and saw it was her cousin.

"Arnost. It's hasn't even been more than a year since I left and you're chasing me..." Estelle said, brows furrowed.

Her and Arnost don't have a good relationship. I never figured out why. But I for sure know if my parents were here, they'd surely know and drag me and Mikasa away.

They've done it before.



This is Arnost, except in this book he has short hair and just imagine he has HAZEL EYES cause I couldn't really find one that fits. THIS OBVIOUSLY ISN'T MINE. CREDIT TO ORIGINAL ARTIST.


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Uhh. He's 18 just like in the last one. So like I said this isn't a sequel, but I wanted to have the same characters from before. Cause why nooot?

He's obviously also a Scavo and he looks more like his father than his mother. He may look like pretty boi, but he's terrifying like every Scavo. LIKE I SAID THEIR NOT INVINCIBLE, THEY CAN STILL GET BADLY HURT AND DIE. Uhh. Oh, his older sister and his parents are alive in this book.

In this one, they don't have a good relationship as told by Eren. He doesn't know who Levi is just YET. Uhm that's it for him. For now, I guess.

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