Someone please help me.

When did I get green shoelaces, anyway?

Before Hermione and Ron could tease me any further, Professor Flitwick waddled over to check on their levitating status. Hermione effortlessly levitated the cup, but Ron took three tries to get it right.

“Homework, Mister Weasley!” Professor Flitwick squeaked, before waddling over to me.

I waved my wand, and my teacup wobbled dangerously before rising to the air, where it – thankfully – held steady.

“Not too shabby, Mister Potter – still, you need practice on your wrist-flick. Homework!”

I sighed and nodded, setting my teacup down.


We had an hour’s break after Charms before dinner, so we decided to hang outside, underneath the big tree in the gardens. Hermione and Ron was busy playing wizard chess – Hermione sucked and Ron rocked, so it wasn’t really a fair match – while I was silently consulting the Marauder’s Map. I saw the tiny green dot labelled DRACO, dutifully located in his dorm room. I was hoping to run into a certain blonde-haired boy, but it seemed like he was busy. I didn’t try pursuing him, though, for fear of being called a stalker.

“Harry, why so glum?” a mild, dreamy voice asked.

I looked up and saw Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood making their way to where we were sitting. Neville was – as usual – holding onto the potted plant his grandmother had given him.

“Nothing,” I said, putting the Marauder’s Map away.

The both of them settled on the grass before us, completing the little circle we were in.

“We wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with us – we didn’t go in the morning,” Neville explained.

Hermione looked up and smacked her forehead with the base of her palm. “Crap – Harry, your Chocolate Moussies are in my bag somewhere – I’ll go take them out real quick.”

“But won’t they have melted?” I asked, watching as she hurriedly stood up, robes flapping around her sneakers as she scurried away into the castle.

“Who cares, it’s still chocolate,” Ron said, rubbing his stomach happily. “I’m starving!”

Neville went over to where Hermione was sitting a moment before and pointed at the chessboard. “You play, Ron?”

Ron sat up from where he was lying on the ground and stretched, lifting his arms above his head. “Yeah. D’you, Neville?”

Neville nodded enthusiastically. “Nan’s been teaching me – I almost won my Uncle Albert once!”

Ron grinned, cracking his knuckles. “Let’s go at it, then!”

While the both of them were absorbed in ordering their miniature chesspieces around, Luna turned her misty gaze to me.

“Harry, did you know Ginny likes you?”

I coughed, and Ron absent-mindedly thumped me in the back, eyes focused on the knight he was ushering forward.

“Uh – thanks, Ron – yeah, so I’ve been told,” I muttered, feeling my face turn hot.

Luna had a habit of stating the awkward and the obvious – and this was a talent she used obliviously. Like what she was doing now.

“She told me she was going to ask you out to the Yule Ball,” Luna continued, pale, blue eyes gazing into my soul.

“Oh, uh –”

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