Harry Potter Is Dead (Pt.1)

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Warning: description of suicide, mention of suicide and cutting. Please Please don't read if it will trigger you.

Plot: Harry commits suicide.

I must not tell lies




Harry woke up from another nightmare of the that night, the night where Cedric Diggory was murdered, the year where everything started to go downhill. The year you-know-who came back.

His thoughts repeating, his thoughts saying what other people were thinking.


You should have died... just like your parents



He didn't see where he was going, he just let his thoughts continue what students whisper, the words people use to write about him, what people think of him.



You don't belong with them


His eyes looked down, his feet standard on the edge of the Astronomy tower, his hands by his side, he looked back to where he came from then back to the ground.

Are you scared, Potter?

"I'm not scared." He whispered, yet no one heard him. He was scared, petrified even, but would it be worth it.

You shouldn't be alive



Go kill yourself.

His eyes layed on the ground as he put his foot out on the thin air, "I'm not scared!"

And in that moment, Harry James Potter flew...

He flew.. for just a millisecond until he fell, his body falling to the ground and a smile on his face. A smile that his face hadn't worn in what felt like forever. A scream of horror filled his ears as hagrid came out of his hut.

It's a race.. a race to see if he dies or lives. A race that felt like marathon for Hagrid.

A race to see if Harry James Potter dies or lives.

As Harry's eyes close, his body still on the floor. It was a race and Hagrid lost. He lost a boy, a boy that didn't see him as a freak for who he was. Harry Potter may have been like his father in with harry didn't know of, yes he was arrogant and oblivious at times.

But he was just a boy, who's parents had died, who had been abused, who people kept secrets from, who had seen the war close up, who saw Voldemort come alive, Harry Potter wasn't like his parents.

He may have the shit Potter eyesight, or the messy untameable Potter hair or lily evans green eyes. He may have had similar personality traits to his parents but he wasn't like them.

Harry Potter was kind, friendly, sarcastic, smart yet dumb, oblivious, loyal, brave, reckless. He was him.

Harry was a Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.  Yes he was sorted into Gryffindor but everyone has a trait from each house, don't they?

"Harry, no! No!" Hagrid screamed as he picked him up, immediately taking him to the infirmary. "Poppy!"

"Oh, dear merlin, put him on the bed!" Poppy yelled as she saw Harry in Hagrid's arms. "And get Dumbledore!"

Madame Pomfery did so many tests, tried so many potions.. but nothing worked.

As Dumbledore rushed in, not even he could help Harry now. The Professors coming up behind, but what their eyes looked upon made them stop.

Professor Snape had failed,
Albus Dumbledore had failed,
Minerva McGonngal had failed.
Each Professor had failed to save a student.
Argus Filch had failed from not seeing him out of bed.
His friends failed.

The words that our minds think can kill us as it did to many. The words we say can cause someone to fall, the words that we expect to hear can leave a hole in our hearts.  And the thoughts we don't think can leave gaps in our minds.

Harry Potter is dead. 

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