Chapter 1~Hogwarts

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☆𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚘𝚟☆

Ever since that day, the l/n's have been different. M/n and d/n became cold and strict. Y/n, on the other hand, had become quiet, tending to keep more to herself, but still faked a smirk and a cocky attitude towards anyone she spoke to. Even though y/n hadn't made any major mistakes, she still got hit with the cruciatas curse way too many times for it to be healthy. When she went to Hogwarts however, y/n's life got so much worse.

★1𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 1962★
☆𝚢/𝚗'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟☆

"Now, remember the expectations," my mother started as she handed me my trunk.

"Yes mother, I know. Be sorted into Hufflepuff, get O's on all my exams, be polite to all the teachers," I listed off just a few of my mother's stupid expectations.

"Right, now go, you're going to miss the train," she kissed my forehead. My father hadn't even bothered to show up.

I walked away from my so-called family and onto the train. I sat in an empty compartment to avoid any unnecessary socialising. I sat there in silence for the whole train ride, staring out the window at the countryside.

Eventually, the train pulled to a stop and the students started getting off. I followed the rest of the 1st years to boats while everyone else went to carriages pulled by black skeletal winged horses known as thestrals. I'm one of the few people at my age who can see thestrals since you can only see them if you've seen someone die. And, well it's not very common for an 11-year-old to witness death.

We got out of the boats and walked into the entrance hall of the castle. A witch explained to us what was about to happen but I already knew because of being forced to study practically everything that would happen at Hogwarts.

We followed her into the great hall. There were four tables going through the hall, one for each house, and one at the top for the teachers. In front of the teachers' table, there was a stool with an old hat, that I knew to be the sorting hat, on it. The 1st years lined up in front of the stool and the names got called out one by one to get sorted.

"Bellatrix Black," the witch called out. A girl with curly black hair walked up confidently and sat on the stool with perfect posture. I believe I've seen her before in one of mother's dinner parties, that would explain how perfect she looks.

After about two seconds of the hat being on her head, it yelled, "SLYTHERIN," earning cheers from the Slytherin table.

After a couple more names were called, the witch called mine. I walked up, trying to look as confident as possible and plastering on my signature cocky smirk. When in reality, I was a nervous wreck. What if I don't get Hufflepuff? What would mother say? Were the main two question running around my head.

The hat was placed on my head and it started muttering in my ear, "another l/n, eh? Let's see, not brave enough for Gryffindor, plenty of knowledge but Ravenclaw doesn't seem right, so it's between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Of course, it would be logical to put you in Hufflepuff because of your family lineage, but you're different to your brother and parents, more cunning and ambitious, a craving for power and to stand out. Better be SLYTHERIN," it yelled and the Slytherin table erupted in cheers.

My smirk faltered and the whole world seemed to slow down. Slytherin?! But I'm meant to be Hufflepuff! Mother won't be pleased. I might be disowned, or get hit with the cruciatas curse a few more hundred times. I snapped myself out of my thoughts, smirked again and walked down to the Slytherin table. No one bothered to talk to me, I guess I give that, "don't talk to me unless you have a death wish" vibe. Or maybe I'm just not interesting. Probably the second one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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