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dimple - bts 

「don't lie, i know you're an angel, what are you?」

seonghwa had just gotten home from a date, well, he was being dropped off by his said date, he was once again set up by his younger brother, it had been a failed date, at least it was in his perspective.

he scrunches his nose as he unlocks the door, they were out quite late so he told san to lock the door if he's gonna go to sleep 

"i had a great time with you seonghwa, perhaps you want to-" seonghwa wasn't one for confrontation but he had to cut him off completely and he did so by putting his hand up as a sign for him to stop talking 

"you were great and all but i think we should see other people." he says, his date raises a brow and smiles, leaning over the wall as if trying to cage seonghwa "san did say you're difficult to impress." his tone was condescending and the older just scowls 

"well, you knew but you never made an effort to impress me, so that's on you," he points out with a shrug, clearly unbothered about what his date thinks 

"anyway, have a goodnight, see you never, hopefully." he smiles sarcastically before hastily getting inside the house, leaving his sucky date outside to grumble and call him an "asshole".

"home sweet home." he mumbled, kicking his shoes off, putting his coat on the rack just beside their door, the lights were off so it was obvious that san was fast asleep, as he should because he still had classes in the morning.

as he turns on the living room lights, he nearly got a heart attack "good evening." san greets him, seonghwa just looks at him 

"what are you doing sitting in the dark?" he questions, heading towards the kitchen to get himself a glass of water just so he can wash down the taste of alcohol that was in his throat 

"i'm in a sentimental mood." san answers, standing up as seonghwa was heading upstairs and follows him all the way to his bedroom, situating himself on the bed while seonghwa takes care of his skin 

"so how did you date go hyung?" seonghwa scoffs at the question and san instantly knew it didn't go well and a frown forms on his face as he lies down on seonghwa's bed, acting as if he owned it 

"san, i love you but you've got to stop setting me up with shitty people, i applaud you because he's cute but the attitude is a no no." seonghwa's tone was firm but it wasn't meant to hurt his younger brother's feelings, he knows that he was just doing it so he won't be lonely sometimes 

"what happened?" san asks, wrapping his arms around the fluffy pillow 

"well, upon finding out i work as a stylist, he kept asking me about idols who i've worked with and you know how much i don't like that," the younger nods, patting the empty side next to him after seonghwa changes into a pair of pajamas 

"we went to a bar after dinner just so i can ignore him and listen to whatever band was playing," he tucks himself in with san under the covers 

"and i'm guessing you just kept ordering drinks?" san snickers while seonghwa nods "i just kept drinking because as i said before, he's handsome and maybe i wanted to have sex with him." his younger brother groans and hits seonghwa with the pillow, telling him that he didn't need to know that

 "and at about 15 drinks, alternating between shots and beers, i just told myself to drink until i like him." he says with a exasperated sigh 

"but i just can't anymore so i told him to take me home and that i hope i never see him anymore!" he claps his hands, praising himself for how he handled the situation "so no blind dates for a while?" san clarifies, slowly starting to fall asleep 

"i can find love on my own time, okay sannie? don't worry about hyung growing old and alone." he makes his younger brother giggle before moving closer to him so they can cuddle 

"we're both gonna grow old and alone," san mumbles while seonghwa tangles his fingers through his hair, a tactic he always used to san will fall asleep 

"we won't, especially not you, you have a lot of people lining up to date you." seonghwa points out "well, you too but you're so picky." he mumbles, exhaustion evident in his voice 

"with genes like ours, we gotta look for the best." san slaps his tummy playfully "you're so vain," seonghwa turns off the bedside lamp 

"perhaps but i just haven't seen anyone worthy of my time, every person i've tried to date has always just been trying to use me to purge information about the artists i've worked with." seonghwa explains and when silence befall among them, he figures san had fallen asleep already 

so he tries to get some shut eye because he has some meetings coming up the next morning but he almost got the shit scared out of him when san just shot up from the bed

"i got it!" he screams, snapping his fingers at the idea that he had just though "got what?" the older asked, clutching his chest so his heart rate would calm down, san squeals before he cupped his face with his hands 

"how about we adopt a kitten!" he had a huge smile on his lips, proud of the idea he had come up with

"a kitten?" seonghwa asks, brow raised up at the random suggestion, san nods as he clapped his hands 

"yes! a kitty cat, that way you can have some company when i'm busy at school and i know you've always want one even when we were kids." seonghwa scratched his head at this, he always wanted a cat but his mom was allergic hence why they never had pets with fur.

he can surely have a pet now since he has a place of his own but at the same time he doesn't know how to take care of a living and breathing creature, apart from san.

"can we adopt a kitten hyungie? i'll help you pick out a kitty and then we can buy him or her some pretty toys and outfits!" it seemed like san was more excited rather than seonghwa 

"and then we can even make an sns account for it, you can make clothes for it!" seonghwa hushes his younger brother, it was as if talking about a pet just made him forget that he was sleepy not too long ago 

"can we?" he pouts, lying back down but he kept giving seonghwa the puppy dog eyes "it's night time san, we can discuss further tomorrow after i pick you up, okay?" san pouts but still listened to his hyung 

"i'll try to consult with some friends of mine who has pets, maybe they can give me suggestions where to adopt." his younger brother nods before wrapping the comforter around him tightly "it'll be like our little baby brother or sister!"

(。・ω・。)つ━☆・* author's note: first chapter is DONE! this is gonna just be pure self-indulgence because let's be honest, we're all soft for seongsang uwu

sweet night ▶️ seongsangWhere stories live. Discover now