the surface

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When the bears were watching TV they heard a sound.

Grizz:ummm bros did you hear that he look at them.

Panda:yes I did panda scratch us head.

Ice bear shook his head.

When they were wondering where the sound was coming from they seen the door open.

Grizz:let's go and see where is it coming from. As he pointed to the door.

Panda:NOO GRIZZ!! Chedder will know were gone and we will be in trouble.

Grizz: don't worry we will go for a second then be back.

Panda:ok....BUT just for a second. As he crossed his arms.

They went to the door and just went slowly out of the doorthen they look up and see the noise was coming from there so they went to one of the man hole and open it a tiny bit and they seen.........a guy driving a pizza bike he was starting the engine.

Then when he left one of the pizza box fall off and it was near the man hole where the bears were at.

Grizz:was is it??

Ice bear took the box and they went on the floor in the sewers.

Panda:it says piazzzzzia.....pizzzzzza.....piiiizzaaa??as panda try to guess the name.

Grizz: I think its pizza or something?? Well let's open.

Grizz open it and seen the pizza when the smell came to there noses they are turn big.

Panda:that smells good.

Grizz:I think this is food guys.

Panda:is it panda was shaking alittle.

Grizz:I will take the first bite guys.

Grizz pick up a pizza slice and he ate it then tears came out of his eyes then he ate the whole slice.
Grizz:guys this is delicious try it.

They all grab a pizza slice
And they started to cry so they ate the whole thing.

Panda:man this is so good I love this so much. As he cry

Ice bear just cried.

Grizx:we should have lots of these right guys. As he wiped his tears.

Panda: I am going to check if there's anymore.

As panda went to the man hole he seen a girl that has a pony tail brown hair(its Lucy by the way) panda started to blush and have heart eyes.

Grizz:hey panda how are you doing. As he just pop out of nowhere and startled him.

Pands:AH!!! Grizz don't scare me like he slow down his heart beat.

Ice bear sees panda blushing and looks at the girl.

Then ice bear taps give shoulder.


Ice bears just pointed and panda and the girl and made a heart with his paws then pointed at panda. he understand it.

Grizz:hey panda  you like her.

Panda:NO I DON'T! Who said I he blush.

Then men with suits on went near the girl and they seen them.

Man1:little come with us.

Mystery girl:no..I need to go home.

Man2:then your coming with us.

They put there hands on the girls arm and carried her as she scream for help.

Panda:guys the girl needs our help!!as panda told them.

Grizz:well let's grizz was about to go but panda grab his leg.

Panda:grizz we will be exposed and he pulled him back.

Then ice bear just threw a rock in the alley when grizz and panda were arguing.

Then the guys heard and went to the alley.

Ice bear tap on panda and grizz.

Grizz:huh you have a plan. Then ice bear shook his head.

When the men were at the alley grizz and panda came behind them and taped there faces with tape and then the men let the girl go and when she seen them she screamed.

Grizz:stop screaming. As he whispered to her.

Men1 touched  panda head and went after him as panda run than men2 took off the tape and seen grizz and the girl and they ran.

Panda is running so hard he haven't run before than fell on a puddle and got scared men1 took off the tape and look at panda.

Panda:GET AWAY FROM ME!!!as he splash a puddle at him.

Men1 started to spark and felled on the floor panda got up and look at him then there was something bursting in chest than something pop out......

baby orphan ninja bears BEAR POWERWhere stories live. Discover now