chapter twelve.

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Opening the door to David's bedroom, I walked in and fell face first on his bed as I groaned. We just got finished having dinner. I had three plates and I know I should have stuck to two but, it is so good.

Miss Delma did a great job.

David laughed at me as he took a seat on the bed. "Ate too much, huh?" He asked.

I nod my head slowly before turning around to look at the ceiling.

"I know I should have kept it at two plates. I feel like I'm about to explode at any minute." I answered, chuckling afterwards.

"Yeah, I know how that is. I remember one Thanksgiving, I ate so much to where the next morning, I woke up burping rotten eggs." David told me.

I scrunched up my face. I'm familiar with that burp and thinking about it makes me want to hurl. I shook my head and sat up on my elbows.

"Haha, I don't like that burp. I remember having that and asked myself, did I eat eggs?" I laughed.

David laughed too, nodding in agreement. "Right! Shit's nasty."

"Word." I dragged, looking around his room. I smiled at the NWA and Eric B. & Rakim poster he had.

"You like Eric B. & Rakim too?" I asked, turning my head to him.

"Hell yeah, they're the greatest. I stay playing their music. Rakim is one of my inspirations." He answered.

I smiled. "I do too. Paid In Full is a jam, I also love the music video to it."

I told him, looking around his room again as my eyes came across a red crate. I squinted my eyes and lean forward a bit, realizing their vinyls.

"Oh, you're looking at that?" He asked catching my attention.

"You collect those?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head as he got up, walking over to get them.

He sat back down on the bed, placing the crate in front of our feet.

"My mom gave this to me on my sixteenth birthday. She knows how much I love to play records. She got me all my favorites." David explained as he look through the crate, pulling out a Prince record.

It was his self titled album. I smiled and held the vinyl, looking at how beautiful he is.

My eyes then avert to David who stopped looking through as he looked at me, smirking. "I swear, you're so cool." I told causing him to chuckle.

"I try to be." David shrugged his shoulders.

"Why try, you already are." I smiled.

David smiled back. He held his head down for a second before putting a vinyl back in the crate then getting up to put them back in the corner of his room, next to his speakers.

"Would you like to go for another drive?" David asked.

I nod as I thought about our drive the other night. "Sure." I answered, smiling as I got up.

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