chapter eight.

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"Thanks." I smiled, retrieving the white plastic foam cup from David as he got in the car.

We were driving around the city, conversing with each other when he stopped at this milkshake joint. I was formerly saving my appetite for a chocolate cake but, he is so sweet. I can't decline this.

"No problem. I always come here during my night time cruises." He explained, taking a sip of shake.

He got a vanilla and I got an Oreo. He told me that they had this flavor before I could change my mind to something else.

"I remember me and my mom had a nighttime cruise. She took us to White Castle for double cheeseburgers and root beer." I recalled, me and David shares a chuckle.

"Yeah, those nighttime cruises are real special. My mom is still fearful for me, she always saying: " boy, I don't like you riding them streets at night." I always tell her that I'll be fine. Don't nobody mess with me." David explained.

"Oh wow, you're a tough cookie. Like this shake I'm drinking." I joked.

David laughs. "Yeah, living in the hood taught me a lot."

It became silent after that. Besides the radio playing soft R&B music, I look out of my passenger side window at the sunset while taking a few sips of my milkshake.

"So, let's get back to playing getting to know you. You know a lot about me, how bout you? You have a favorite food?" He asked, looking at me with a smirk.

"Mhm. Ravioli. Chef Boyardee kind. I also like fried chicken, spaghetti, peanut butter jelly sandwiches and nachos." I answered.

"I like fried chicken along with pizza and onion rings." David included.

"White Castle's onion rings are the best. I like dipping mines into tarter sauce." I told him.

"I drench mines with lots of hot sauce. My mom said if I don't stop doing that, I will be farting fire." David said.

I bursted into laughter.
"I'm with her, all that hot sauce?"

Hearing him say that reminds me of Joyce. She loves eating hot stuff. Whether it's from a jar of jalapeños or hot crunchy kurls, she's a fanatic.

"It's what I love." He shrugged his shoulders, laughing.

I shook my head with a scrunch up face, thinking about it.

"What's your favorite music? It can be anything." He asked.

"I love gospel, house, jazz, pop, rap, and r&b." I answered, taking out my straw as I suck the end of it.

"I like everything. I been in love with music since a kid." David told me.

"Aww, who's your favorite artist?" I asked him, taking the lid off my cup as I dipped the end of my straw again.

"Michael Jackson." I almost choked.

"You good?" David asked, patting my back as I cough and nodded.

"Yes, thank you. But did you say Michael Jackson? Oh my God, I love him too!" I gushed.

David smiled. "So, that's why you were choking?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest as he chuckles.

"Yeah. Whenever he is mentioned, I can't help but to talk about him. I think he is so amazing plus he is the greatest of all time." I acknowledged as David nod in agreement.

"I remember being twelve and tried to mimic him. My sister hurt my feelings when she told me I couldn't dance to save my life, at least I was trying."
David explained.

"Aww, I use to be like that too. I would drench my hair and put on my mom's sequin blazer then start dancing like him. I didn't know my mom recorded me until she told me when I got older. I was more surprised then embarrassed." I shook my head, laughing.

David looks at me and smile. "It's like the more we have in common, the closer we get."

I look at him. "You're right about that. You're such an interesting person, David. I would love for us to hang out more."

"Me too, Gia. Me too."


"Hey ma, you ok?"
I asked, pulling out the chair that was next to her at our dinner table.

It was almost ten and I just came back from dropping Giada off. I had a great time with her.

"Hmph, I was until that ex of yours came by." She answered, rolling her eyes as she took a sip out of her light pink mug. She always use that for her tea.

"Why she was over here?" I asked, mad at the fact that she still stops by after I told her I didn't want nothing to do with her anymore.

I forgave her so many times. So many to where she does the same stuff. She never loved me.

"Asking for you. I told her you weren't here and she wanted to stay until you came." My mom explained, shaking her head as she stood up in her seat and walk to the kitchen.

"I didn't want to. Cause if I did, my blood pressure would have been raised high and I will be sent to my maker." She continues, turning off the sink.

I shook my head.
"I'm glad she didn't. She can keep that tiring apology to herself."

"She needs to be with that guy she's currently with instead of messing with my son." My mom adds.

I nod my head but chuckled. "I'm with you on that. If she loves me so much, she should have meant that instead of playing me."

My mom walked over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.
"Son, it's over and done with. No one is going to do you like that anymore. I know that new friend of yours ain't going to hurt you."

She patted my shoulder, chuckling as she turns away to walk off.

Her bedroom door closes and I sat there, thinking.

I don't want to stress myself out about that. What my mom said was right. I have someone who has such a good heart, I know she isn't the type to hurt. But the type I am blessed to have in my life.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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David's mother, Delma?

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There's more to come and lots of love, Deanna/Dee. ❤

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