New Event

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"Let's break up."

I felt like dying.

Those were the last words I wanted to hear. The last person I wanted them to come from.


"Let's be honest, this entire relationship was a 'in the heat of the moment' kinda thing."


"I mean, we just hung out and decided to start dating cause we had nothing better to do right? We didn't know if we were gonna survive the game, so we acted on impulse, right?" she said.

I didn't reply. I physically couldn't. I wanted to say 'I don't feel the same' or 'fine', but neither came out. My body didn't let me reply.

"Kirito? Are you alright?"

I snapped out of it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess you're right, the whole thing was an impulse, I understand." I said, fake smiling.

"I'm glad. Can we... can we stay friends?" she asked a little worried.

"Of course! Why wouldn't we?" I said.

"Great! Oh I have to go, my mom is calling me, see ya!" she said and ran towards the train station to get home.

I just stood there. 

Asuna broke up with me.

After 3 years of a relationship.

She just left me.

I came to my senses, I slapped myself in the face and walked back inside.

"Onii-chan, who was at the door?" Sugu asked me as I made my way to the stairs.

"Oh, no-one, just the, erm... postman."

"Oh, anything important?" 

"Just the bill reminder, I asked him to toss it. I'll go pay the bills in the evening."

"Oh, good. Since your going there, get some meat will you? I'll cook some curry udon for dinner."

"Yeah I will."

I continued up to my room, locked the door, and did the only thing I could think of to take my mind off it. If I thought about it, I'd feel like dying, so I won't. 

I took out my amusphere and was about to login to ALO. But I didn't want to. It'd just remind me of Asuna. I looked through my drawers. I still had my copy of GGO. Might as well give it another try.

I loaded it and put the headgear on me. I slapped myself in the face one more time to wake myself. As I was lying there, on impulse I said it. 

"Link Start!"

Immediately the room faded to white. A rainbow of colored cylinders formed and zoomed out to represent the senses. It then put me into GGO. 

I was in a hotel room. The one I had rented before last logging out. It was the same no doubt. The 1 person bed with the sheets rolled over, the half empty water bottle, the storage closet filled with my gear, the same view from the window, the same number on the door, but someone else was there.


"Kirito?" she said. She was sitiing on the couch in very casual clothes, or rather, very revealing clothes. 

"Oh it is you!"

"Why the FUCK are you in my room, pervert!!! GET OUT!!!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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