Yeah :/

Alright then, I'll talk to you
later, Yoongi is calling me.
Bye kooks!

Ok hyung bye bye !
Read 10:40 a.m.

Jungkook set his phone down and walked out into his kitchen to make himself some breakfast.


Yoongi Hyung🥱

Morning Yoongs.
Yeah ik. What's even
crazier is that my soulmate
Is Jungkook.
Read 10:30 a.m.

What?! As in hobi's, my boyfriend,
Best friend? Like the little cute
Adorable Jeon Jungkook? The one that
Was dating Yugyeom?

They never dated , but yes
that Jeon Jungkook

That's cute :)
Crazy but cute! How
Did you even find out?

Well I found him skipping, so we
skipped together. We talked for a bit before
We brushed on the topic of soulmates.
i wanted to see his but it was on his thigh
And he Would've had to take his jeans
off, but then he asked to see mine and so I
Showed him. But it was glowing.
And he stared at it quite shocked, I mean I
was too. What surprised me next was that
he took his jeans off and then boom
his mark was also glowing, he had the same
snake design on his thigh! But before anyone
Could say anything he ran out . he just
Ran away? Did you text at all?
And wow I'm so dumb.

No we didn't. I wanted too but
All I could think of was the look of  disbelief
On his face.
Why do you say you're so dumb?

I'm dumb because I saw
Jungkook's mark before and I knew
It looked similar.
But you should text him, to clear things up?

You-  you are clueless.
But what am I even supposed to say?
I don't know what to feel about finding my

That I am 😔.
Do you want to be with him?

This is new so  I'm not sure myself?
I mean we are destined, but I'm not sure
If I have romantic feelings towards him?

It's alright tae.
I guess we'll leave it at how it is?
Hopefully this resolves.
But I'll talk to you later.

Ok. Bye  yoongs.
Read 10:40 a.m.


Taehyung was seated on his bed, his mind always going back to the ravenette. His head soon began to hurt, so he decided to grab a glass of water. He put in extra ice to try and 'cool' himself down. He took a sip and instantly felt relaxed as the cold liquid ran down his throat.

It was a Saturday morning, and he had no plans besides the project with Jungkook, but he didn't think they would meet after the incident at school. So in the end he had a completely free schedule. His parents were at work and his little brother was still in bed, so he stayed in his living room and quietly watched the TV. Deciding on a classic cartoon he got comfortable and waited for his brother to wake up.

Time had went by, well only thirty minutes, and pretty soon Taehyungs brother had woken up. The five year old boy walked down from his bedroom in his pajamas greeting his older brother.

MarkingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon