Chapter Eleven

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

I've also reached over 500 fans and I want to say thank you to everyone who's fanned me and supported my stories, Really means so much to me I never thought so many people would enjoy my writing, Love you all so much!

Niall's Pov:

For the first time in a long time I feel loved, I mean proper real love, Not the kind where your told a lie because it's supposedly the best thing for you. No I mean real honest love, The kind that sends butterflies through your stomach the second you hear there name. Zayn's making me so happy and he's telling me the truth, No matter how painful it is. I've never agreed with lying, I've always believed it's better to be hurt by the truth then deceived by a lie. Lying causes nothing but pain, But now I see sometimes it's necessary, I'm having to lie about my relationship with Zayn, It's been hard but I know it's the best thing for not only his safety but mine. If Sean found out he would probably kill Zayn or he would send me back to Ireland, I can't go back there, I can't go back to that empty feeling inside. Sean he has no right to judge anyone or decide what's best for a person, He claims to care about his family but every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie, That's why Zayn wants to get me away from him, He doesn't want Sean poisoning my mind anymore then he already has. Getting me away from Sean is the only way for us to be together, Even if that means me having to leave my family behind. 

I've been slowly packing my bags since Zayn told me I would be moving in with him, I packed little bit by little bit each day so Sean didn't get suspicious. Knowing Sean's been lying to me breaks my heart, We were so close and I thought he told me everything, I thought I knew Sean, But coming here has proved one thing to me and that's Sean's not the person I once thought he was. 

Andy is still creeping me out. I told Zayn all about him staring at me, he told me if anything happened to get out, I sighed making my way into the kitchen, Andy wouldn't hurt me would he? I mean he's a part of Sean's gang. Sean may have lied to me but he still wouldn't want me to get hurt...Right? Andy's the kind of person you wouldn't want to get in a fight with, He could probably snap you in half with one hand, That thought scares me. I sighed as I made my way into the sitting room at the front of the house hoping to get away from Andy's lurking stare... Just my luck he followed me. I pulled out my phone looking to see what the time was, Zayn couldn't meet me until tonight because of some meeting with his gang.

"Where's Sean?" I asked.

"He's away for the day" Andy replied, I nodded my head.

"I think I'm going to head out for a few hours, Get some air" I stated as I turned to leave the room.

"Can't let you do that" Andy stated as he grabbed my arm. "Sean wants you to stay here, Besides I thought we could do some stuff" He added as his grip on my arm tightened.

"Let go! Andy your hurting me!" I half yelled while desperately trying to free my arm. 

"Come on I have loads of fun things in mind" He said as he pinned me against the nearest wall his body pushing right against mine, He breathed in my face, I could smell weed, Andy was high.

"Not interested now let me go!" I spat.

"I've liked you ever since you got here Niall, And I know you like me too" Andy grinned completely ignoring the words I spoke.

"Your fucking mental and your high!" I yelled, Andy didn't reply he only surged forward forcing his lips against mine, My eyes widened as I tried to push him away, My pushing only seemed to encourage him. He began grinding his hips into mine groaning loudly, A tear fell from my eyes as his hand began lowering to the waistband of my jeans.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I yelled as he began yanking on my jeans clearly trying to get them off, I wanted Zayn, I wanted Zayn to save me. 

"Just enjoy it baby" He whispered into my ear before biting my earlobe. I had to think fast, I had to think quick, I closed my eyes before quickly kneeing Andy in the crotch as hard as I could, He dropped to the floor in pain, That's when I took my chance and ran, I ran out of the house and down the road as fast as I could, My heart pounding against my chest. I pulled out my phone as I rounded the corner. I dialed Zayn's number desperately waiting for him to answer.

"Come on Zayn, Please pick up please" I whispered tears falling from my eyes.

"Nialler babe I can't ta-"

"Z-Zayn I need you"....

The moment Zayn arrived at the alley I ran straight into his strong arms, He held me close to his body, The second I told Zayn I needed him he dropped everything and came running to me. I desperately gripped hold of his body.

"Ni, Baby what happened?" Zayn asked as he held me closer to his body.

"A-A-An-d-dy" I stuttered out, Zayn pulled away from the hug to look at me, He then noticed the hand prints on my arm.

"What the fuck did he do?" Zayn spat anger filling his voice. I took a deep breath.

"He grabbed my arms, I-I told him to let go, But he'd been smoking something, I think it was weed but I can't be sure, He wouldn't let go of me Zayn, He pushed me against a wall, he-he, He started grinding against me, I tried to stop him Zayn I really did, But he just got rougher, Then he kissed me he tried to take my jeans off Zayn, I was so scared" I cried out. 

"I'll fucking kill him! Nobody fucking touches you!" Zayn yelled as he turned his body around, I quickly grabbed his arm gripping it tightly.

"Just hold me, Zayn please" I begged him, Zayn sighed before pulling me close to him once again.

"I'll leave it for now, But when I get hold of him I'm not responsible for what I do" Zayn stated before kissing the top of my head. 

"What am I gonna do Zayn?" I asked tears rolling down my cheek.

"Your not going back there, Never again" Zayn said before hugging me tighter, I only held onto his body, I knew I was safe now.

Zayn booked myself and him into a hotel for a couple of nights, He said it's the best option for us right now, He said he would talk to the rest of his boys, We would then be moving into Zayn's house, A place where Sean and Andy couldn't get me. I laid my body down on the hotel bed while Zayn took a quick shower, I knew he was still pissed about what Andy tried to do and he couldn't wait to get his hands on him, But I was happy he stayed with me instead of going to kick his head in. I sighed as my phone began ringing once again, Sean's been calling me non stop for the past few hours. I quickly rejected the call before turning my phone off, Zayn then walked into the room.

"Liam's going to speak to the boys, I was thinking while there adjusting to the idea of us being together how do you fancy a weekend away?" Zayn asked.

"Just the two of us?" I said, Zayn nodded his head. "Sounds amazing. Zi thank you, For not going after Andy, And for coming to me even when you were busy" I stated, Zayn sighed.

"Nialler he's going to pay for what he done to you. Your the most important person to me, Whenever you need me I don't care where I am or who I'm with, If you need me I'm there" Zayn replied, I smiled before gently kissing his lips. We pulled away and I laid my head on the pillow before yawning. "Get some sleep babe" Zayn stated, I nodded my head as Zayn made his way over to the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Going to bed?" Zayn replied giving me a confused look.

"I think your heading the wrong way, The beds this way" I said before patting the space beside me, Zayn smiled before making his way over to me, He climbed into the bed before wrapping his arms around my waist, I smiled as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. Zayn gently kissed my head, I smiled up at him before placing a gentle kiss to his lips, I then laid my head on his chest falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

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