“No papa…papa..no!” Ria laughed hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

“That’s it! So not going for the picnic, mamma’s princess!”

“Picnic!” Ria screeched, her eyes lighting up instantly.

“Yes. Go, get ready.” Varun laughed setting her down and nudged her towards her room. Before letting her go, he pulled her into a hug and kissed her soundly on both her cheeks. Ria broke into a fit of giggles but the second he let her go, she made a face and swiped at her cheeks with her sleeves. She ran away before he could catch her again, pulling her dadima along with her to help her get ready.

Naina watched the entire interlude between Varun and Ria with fascination. He had an enviously easy way with kids, especially with Ria. She always found herself rapt in attention every time he was in the presence of children. She slipped more in love with her husband every single time he showed this side of him to her.

“You want to eat me up; you’ve to do it soon. I’ve a picnic to prepare for,” he smirked, sliding in next to her on the settee.

His face was close to hers; their lips inches apart. Their eyes met and locked; what she saw in his eyes melted her into a puddle. Looking deeply into his eyes, she knew without an iota of doubt that she would forgive this man anything - any indiscretion, any past, his every mistake as long as he looked at her the way he did right then.

“Hey,” he breathed and cupped his palm over her wet cheek. “Sshh! Don’t sweetheart. Is it about yesterday? About her? You’ve nothing to worry about.”

Naina shook her head, unable to breathe. But, she couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. Varun swiped them with the rough pads of his thumb. His eyes held so much pain and that just made her cry even more.

“Naina….” He got off the couch and knelt in front of her. Grasping both her hands tightly in his, he rested his forehead against hers. “What do you want? I know you’re hurting and I’m the reason. So, tell me. What should I do that’ll make you stop? Anything…just tell me. And I’ll do it. Talk to me, sweetheart. You’re angry with me?”

“No…” said Naina, sniffling. She shook her head. “No, I’m not upset with you.”

“You are hurt?” It was more of a statement than a question. Naina shook her head once again. “I know you are.”


“Sweetheart, you clung to me the whole night.” He rolled up his sleeves, revealing angry pink grooves on his forearms.

Naina gasped and tugged at his hands. She looked at the marks in horror. “I did that?” She raised her eyes unbelievingly to meet his.

“You wouldn’t even let me get up from the bed to pee.” The corners of his mouth lifted in a smile, but his eyes showed deep concern. “You pleaded with me not to leave you.” His fingers gently cupped her chin. “You know I never will?” He asked, the vulnerability in his voice catching her off-guard.

“Raj…I’m sorry.” She ran her fingers softly over the marks she had unknowingly left on his skin.

“Sorry? I almost ordered for a catheter this morning if that would help me stay right where you want me.”

“Raj!” She paled. “You didn’t!”

“Na…I chickened out! Moreover, it’d be a pain to keep removing it whenever you demand sex.”

“What! I demand….” Her mouth hung open, and she shut it quickly when she saw how much fun he was having at her expense. Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not the one demanding…”

Varun slid on top of her, burying his face into her neck. She gasped and stopped talking, her arms instantly wrapping around his broad shoulders. She craved his touch like she needed air to breathe. It was stupid of her to even think she could even function without him around. His teeth scraped the sensitive skin at the juncture of her shoulder and neck. She moaned and arched her back; her eyes closing blissfully at the way his hands unerringly found and kneaded her bare breasts beneath her sleeveless top.

“I want you to demand…anything and everything of me. You have every right to,” he rasped into her ear. She groaned at the loss of his touch when he straightened and smoothed down her top into place. “Later,” he promised, his ears burning with desire and something more. “I’ll never leave you, Naina. Where’ll I go? You are my everything, and I need you to believe that.”

“I do,” she said, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his parted lips.

“Good.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to her open palms. His eyes twinkled when he looked up at her. “Whatever you want is yours. Me, Ria, even that old woman….who by the way…is running down the stairs right this minute.” He looked confused before he sprang up onto his feet.

“Ma…slow down. You’ll break your neck! What the hell….” He raced after her and a puzzled Naina followed them out.

“Ria saw Vansh and has gone to invite him for the picnic.” Her mother-in-law panted, sitting on the patio chair.

Varun looked horrified while Naina just chuckled. “Okay. So why do you have to race after her for that.”

Her MiL slowly shook her head. “She ran out in her T-shirt. Without wearing her shorts.”

Varun swore. “Ria…come back right his minute,” He called out to his daughter who was already next door. “I don’t believe this girl!”

His mother laughed nostalgically. “She is your daughter, Varun. You don’t remember running after Yashvi in just your underwear at that age?”

Varun paled and was at a loss for words when he met Naina’s eyes as his mother continued to reminisce loudly about his pursuits after a certain neighbor.


Belan* - A wooden rolling pin used for rolling dough for chapathi or roti.

Finally, I have an update for you. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you did the earlier ones. Please vote and comment. I love to hear your thoughts.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Have fun :)

Neeru <3

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