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Mammoths still walk'd the Earth when the Pyramids in Egypt were Bein' Built.

The Word 'Fat' jus' looks like someone took a Bite outta the Word 'Eat'

Out of 7Billion people in the World, someone, somewhere in the World, Qualifies as the Worst Human Alive.

With how much I use my Mobile Devices, they've never not once appeared in my Dreams.

A Batchelor Party is more appropriate after a Divorce than Before a Wedding.

It's Crazy that there's this Giant thin' in the Sky, ALL THE TIME! That we're not Supposed to look at.

I've probably Woken up over 10,000 times and I'm Still not Used to it.

Wizards smoke outta Long Pipes, to not Risk Settin' they're Beard on Fire.

Between all the Coffee an the Cocaine, it looks like Columbia's Mission is to wake the Whole World.

If ya go to Jail for 'Tax Evasion', ya livin' off of Taxes as a Result of not payin' Taxes.

Florida is the Only Place on Earth where ya can be eaten by an Alligator, a Shark, a Crocodile or a Dude.

"DO NOT TOUCH" would probably be a Really Unsettlin' thin' to read in Braille.

Pet food could say it's whatever Flavor it wants. Ya not gonna Taste it. (Excludin' CERTAIN People that WOULD Taste it)

Fishing would be a Lot Less Popular if Fish could Scream.

If a World War III, Were to Happen; it might get Akward Online cause we're able to Talk with Our Enemies.

The Fact that Chimps share 90% of DNA with Humans, is Really Impressive; till ya find out 50% is share with String-Beans.

Usually when I type 'Etc' it means I'm Out of Examples

Ya think your Unique, till ya have to Choose a UserName

If Combat in Harry Potter is based on sayin' Spells quickly and at the Right time, it seems like Rappers would Basically be the Magical NAVY SEALS of this predicament.

Ya don't Actually 'Bite Down' on Anythin', ya 'Bite up'.

Dogs are actually the Wolves who Sold out to Man.

When ya have a Lot ya have 'Hair', when ya Have a Few ya have 'Hairs'

When there's a wild Dog or a Wild Horse in a Movie, they have to Train them to Act untrained.

Beatboxers must be really Good at Demonstratin' what Noise they're Car made when bringin' it to a Machanic

Y'know Shit went down on a TV show, when they Show the Credits with no Music.

The World isn't Gettin' Dumber, it's jus' gettin' Easier for Dumb people to get they're Thoughts Heard.

Food doesn't Really 'Go Bad', somethin' Jus' starts Eatin' it before u do.

In a Submarine Battle ya can Be UnderFire, underwater, on Fire and takin' in Water all at the Same Time.

Dungeon Keys in Zelda, can be used on Any door but can only be used Once. That's the Exact opposite of how a Key is Supposed to Work!

I think people are more Prepared for an Apocalypse of any kind, then they're OWN Retirement.

If ya Show'd a Medieval Person Special Effects. They'd Assume it was Magic, and if ya Show'd a Modern Person Magic. They'd Assume it was Special Effects.

The Person Directly infront of ya, is also the person Farthest behind ya.

If in Ancient Egypt they use to Worship Cats and Write on Walls, then the Internet made us, the Modern Egyptians.

Scientists are makin' us Believe Dinosaurs where Probably Wild Savages, but what if they where Civilised? What if they were Chill? What if Every other Livin' thin' is Civilised and Humans are the Actual Wild Savages here?

Technically Speakin'; Aliens invaded the Moon on July 20th 1969.

We live in an Age; where ya Last Words, May be an Emoji.

It's a Good thin' Dr. Seuss books come with Pictures, cause otherwise I'd have no fuckin' Clue what he'd be Talkin' about. (I'm Lyin')

The Most Suspicious thin' ya can Bring on an Airplane is a Parachute.


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