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Kaydoru woke up in a place he had never seen before. Everything was transparent, invisible like a glass or a clear box. He looked around, and noticed some chairs in the distance. Walking towards it, he saw an old man, along with 2 others in different chairs. The chairs were red, blue and green, each with symbols that were foreign and deranged. The old man spoke, his voice like chalk or fingernails on a chalkboard "you have been given a choice, Kaydoru. Become evil in a new era, or become a hero anew with new strength and sense of purpose. He looked at the light coming from the right door, and pointed at it. They nodded and the door opened, revealing a heaven like sight.

Sakira smiled as he looked out in the landscape of the mountain. It was spring, and the snow was melting from the warmth of the sun. The sky was a clear blue. He also smiled because of his wife, Angel was pregnant. They expected a son, but a daughter would also be wonderful. He went back into the cabin, holding Angel's hand as she sat in bed, her belly bulged out from the months of pregnancy. He spoke in a soft voice, saying "how are you Angel?" She smiled as he put her hand on his cheek saying in a sweet voice "I'm fine dear, just the usual hunger". He remembered what it was like to travel from Nairos to the Spiritual Gate, a portal in which split Gaia, the physical world and Tomashen, the spiritual world. He shook his head, having creases in his forehead as he remembered the hard times he had. He sighed and thought about how the birth would work. He shuddered at the thought- however he seemed to be calm by taking a deep breath. He looked out the window for a moment, the sun soon going down. He soon sat next to her, kissing her on the cheek and saying "goodnight dear" and blew out the candle

Sakira woke up hours later to crying. He bolted upright, looking around in the darkness of the room. Angel hugged his shoulder, sobbing. "Angel? Whats wrong?" She soon described the event that has occurred, and pointed in the darkness to the blood on the sheets, shaking. She had a miscarriage- and soon Sakira would feel sad- perhaps even angry. Angel groaned in pain as she felt the cramps and stomach pain. It lasted for at most 10 minutes, and then the pain subsided. Sakira would hold Angel in his arms, and sigh as he thought of anyway of getting a child. He whispered in Angel's ear "it'll be okay hon...we can get it figured out" Angel shook her head, not being able to speak due to shock. He sighed and held her, wanting to not go to sleep until she did that night, and he soon closed his eyes.

A few days later, He soon woke up as the sun was bright in the window of the cabin. Sakira went outside and did his normal stretches for his training. He noticed a letter on the door, and he picked it up. He read it aloud to himself

Meet me in the Hadaren Woods

No name was given at the end, and he wasn't sure if he trusted what was written. He soon told Angel, she held his hand and said "let me come with you" He went tense and shook his head "no, its to dangerous-" she soon cut him off, and said "your full strength hasn't returned Saki, I need to come with you!" She seemed very persistent, and he nodded. "ah...I suppose you're right. Let's go" he went to get his trench coat on, and put multiple wards on him and Angel, which sapped a majority of his energy, but it was enough to not be able to get probed- entering their mind and thinking without barriers was dangerous. They walked down to the woods, and he knew immediately who it was- Fairith. He was one of the elders from the Tamashii (Spirit) Council. The eldest of the 8 villages would come together every few years to discuss the status of the Spirit Realm and how to fix it. Fairith was the leader of them, and he soon spoke: "in a few days, your child will arrive" Sakira tensed up when he heard this and Angel gasped, and said "what does he mean?" and he started to realize- he soon said "does this have to do with Kaydoru!?" Fairith smiled and did not answer, soon disappearing into the air. He noticed something scuttling in the grass, and a some sort of spring It was a hologram, and a spider drone soon transformed into a flying, its legs becoming small propellers like a drone and flew into the morning sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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