Chapter 2 (Dreams Of The Past)

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A/N: This Chapter will be in Italics because it is what happened the day she fell through the portal so basically this is the day before the events of the last chapter in Kendra's Dream I hope you enjoy it.

Kendra's P.O.V

I awaken to the sun shining on my face from in between the curtains sighing I turn onto my back soaking in the morning sun.

After a long minute, I push back the covers walking over to the closet grabbing my jeans and tank top, and carrying them to the bathroom, I take a quick shower and dry my hair throwing it up into a damp ponytail.

I change before heading downstairs to see Mom sitting at the island as Dad cooked breakfast at the stove.

"Good Morning." I greet sitting down next to Mom at the island.

"Good Morning Sweetheart." She says kissing me on the cheek.

"Morning Love," Dad says as he flips a pancake, stacking some on two plates and handing them to us.

"Cinnamon Pancakes for my two loves." He says a smile on his face as he faces the stove again placing the last pancake on his plate topping his small stack.

We eat making small talk and cracking the occasional joke before Mom's phone rings, she puts it to her ear as she answers.

"Sheriff Jones here what can I do for you?" She answers her brow furrowing as the person on the other line explains what's going on.

"Okay, I'll go check it out." She says ending the call with a sigh.

"There's a suspicious figure down at the docks we need to check out although the call came from a dwarf so who knows but we should check it out anyway."  She explains rubbing her forehead in annoyance.

I finish my plate quickly running upstairs and grabbing my boots and sweater letting my hair down from the ponytail as well.

I come back down to see Mom and Dad already at the door waiting for me, Dad hands me my sword as I walk up to them.

"Let's go," Dad says after locking the door starting to walk down the street Mom and I nod following suit.

We arrive at the docks in 5 minutes ducking behind a building and spotting the figure standing by the edge of the dock.

"Alright, Mom you come up from behind him while Dad and I sneak up at him from the sides," I say she nods stepping forward while Dad and I take our positions behind some crates.

The man turns having sensed Mom's presence and flicked his wrist sending her flying almost 10 feet back.

"Mom!" I yell coming out from my hiding spot charging at the man swinging my sword as he makes his appearance and parries the attack.

Dad charges at him from behind but almost as if he sensed him too he turns a second sword appearing in his hand with a puff of smoke blocking the blow and holding our two swords away from his head.

I pull my sword back swinging it again but he blocks again holding my sword in such an angle that if I were to move an inch in the wrong direction I would be cutting straight into Dad's neck.

Dad tries another attack but he disappears before the sword can make contact with his skin.

I grunt in frustration as I see him reappear a couple of feet away.

Dad and I run towards him but before I can swing the sword he holds his hand out blasting at the ground underneath our feet.

We fall together Dad grabbing my hand with one hand and gripping onto a loose plank with the other, I hold onto his hand tightly with both of mine.

"Hold on!" He yells over the loud swirling of the portal threatening to swallow us both. I dangle over the swirling gold portal my legs kicking desperately trying to find a foothold, holding onto his hand for dear life.

I let go with one hand accidentally scrambling to grab it again as his palm start to sweat.

"I can't!" I yell screaming as I lose my grip falling into the portal the last thing I hear before it closes is Dad yelling my name.

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