What's the Toughest Part? Lunch.

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Emma smiled as Clara told her all about how celebrities' kids came to this school right after the bell rang.

"Clara, honestly, I don't really care about that stuff. Don't really do the knowing-celebrities-thing, ya know?"

Clara rolled her eyes and shoved Emma playfully as they walked out their' classroom's door. Other kids were filing out and across the court tot he cafeteria.

"Of course I know, you have like, your head under a rock or something." Emma stuck out her tongue and Clara crossed her eyes, which made Emma have a fit of laughter.

Clara joined in, and they only stopped wheezing and giggling when they entered the cafeteria. Emma stopped first, gulping as she saw everyone in her grade standing or sitting before her.

"Chillax, se tendre." Clara elbowed Emma. "I got you. You're super tense right now."

Emma took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry."

"I gotcha, fille. Just leave it all on me. And you'll be fine. My friends are fantastic. Not the food though. I wouldn't vote it even one star." Clara said.

"I feel like your standards are a bit high. Although, like, every school lunch sucks." Emma said, chuckling as Clara led her into line. "So your friends aren't in Bustier's class?"

Clara shook her head. "I don't really like them. Besides, Mom thinks their dimwits. And that the same family goes through the same classroom generation by generation. So like their grandmas went through the same thing."

Emma laughed. "That can't be true. It's way too weird."

Clara shrugged. "Okay, usually Mom's right, but she does have some theories that are... ya know."

She pointed to the table with crepes and sandwiches. 

Emma giggled and grabbed a crepe while Clara daintily grabbed a cheese sandwich. 

"Let's go, fille." Clara tossed a pile of euros to the lunch lady sitting at the counter, "On me, hurry up."

Emma dutifully nodded and followed Clara down the table aisles. Kids chattered and laughed and shoved gum into other's hair. Emma cringed as she saw someone shove his ham sandwich into his face. 

Clara coughed and Emma looked forward again. A shoe was sticking out in the middle of the aisle.

Clara whispered. "It's fine. I know what to do."

Clara tossed her hair and stomped her way forwards again. And when the foot was right in front of her, she stomped extra hard on it and put her nose in the air.

"Ow!" A boy howled and clutched his foot. "Why'd ya do that?"

Clara blinked at him innocently. "Why'd you put your foot where'd it get stomped on, Noah?"

Noah growled and started to lunge for Clara. But Clara took a big step backward and Noah fell flat on his face.

As Noah screamed Clara tossed her hair again. "Children. They can't even do it right."

Emma looked around and noticed barely anyone looking. Either they were deaf, blind, or didn't care. She guessed the latter.

Clara grabbed Emma's hand and tugged. "My table's right there! C'mon, fille!"

Emma blindly let Emma lead her to the table. The noise of the room was overwhelming. Why had the boy, Noah, do that? She had recognized him from his class. It didn't make sense. Not at all.

"Yes, he's in Bustiers. But don't worry, he's not the worst," Clara rolled her eyes sarcastically and Emma laughed nervously.

"Hello, paparazzi," Clara said, plopping herself and her tray down. Emma slowly sat next to her, looking apprehensively around her.

A girl with freckles and purple-dyed hair rolled her pale green eyes. She wore a glittery blue top with a black leather jacket. She wore white jeans with rainbow glittered pockets. The fashion-designer in Emma cringed at that.

The boy sitting next to her stuck out his tongue. He had frazzled brown hair and hazel eyes and wore a black shirt with a cartoon on it. He wore grey cargo pants, which made nearly made Emma tense up.

A lanky-looking boy chuckled. He had dark hair with dark blue streaks in a ponytail and dark brown eyes. His fingers were painted dark red he had a fencing sword bag slung over his back. He wore a black shirt with a skull painted on it. The boy wore blue jeans and had a relaxed and loose state.

The boy next to him had dark hair in a short quiff and had the same face structure. His nails were not painted, and he had a guitar slung over his back instead of a fencing sword. He had a light grey shirt with a dark blue vest, along with a pair of simple jeans. He looked similar to the lanky boy. Except for his eyes. His teal eyes. That were boring into hers.

Emma yelped and her body went rigid.

"Why did you bring a stranger here?" The boy-with-teal-eyes-that-had-NOT-scared-her raised his brows at Clara.

Clara flipped her hair. "'Cause she's magnificent. After all, I only hang out with over-standard-people."

"We're over-standard?" The girl with purple hair stared at Clara with disbelief.

Clara flushed. "Well-I-I meant-"

"We get it, Clara." The lanky boy calmly said and smiled at Emma. "So what's your name?"

"Um. E-Emma."Said girl bit her lip and fidgeted her fingers between the table.

The boy with teal eyes gave Clara a look. "And how is she magnificent?"

"'Cause she's nice, unlike everyone else! And incredibly talented!" Clara sniffed and Emma caved into herself. 

Seriously, did Clara have to say that? It was nice to know her only friend here thought of her that way, but it was so embarrassing!

"And how is she nice and incredibly talented?" Asked the boy with frazzled brown hair.

Clara rolled her eyes. "She's gotta be. I mean, she's like, an aspiring fashion designer that's trying to follow her mom's footsteps! And everyone knows MDC is like, the nicest and talented person ever! Well, maybe second. Emma's first, actually."

Emma cringed and slowly took a bite of her crepe. Here she goes again.

"Her mom's MDC?" The girl with purple hair asked with an unreadable expression. "Rad."

"Yeah- Oh! Wait! You guys forgot to introduce yourselves!" Clara announced. "Well? What're you waiting for?"

The girl with purple hair grinned. "Hey, Emma. I'm Jenna Stone! Nice to meet ya! This dimwit next to me is my twin bro Jay."

Jay smirked and tousled Jenna's hair, earning a scowl.

"My name is Lias." The lanky boy smiled gently.

Clara elbowed the boy with teal eyes. He rolled them and reluctantly said, "I'm Kai Couffaine."

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