"USB?! No way can they get away with that. I need to blow up the whole thing. Terence, how many men are there?" I whisper to my trusty AI.

"6 Miss. All are armed".

"Well let's go and say Hi" I mutter quietly.
I drop down into the room and land in the center, surrounded by all 6, who all look pretty flabbergasted and aim their weapons at me.

"Gentlemen, drop your weapons, peacefully surrender, and we can get this done before dinner okay?" I say to them, and they all start closing in on me slowly.

"All right. You had your chance" I announce as I start to beat them up. Disarming them one by one, and then kicking their ass for good measure. The last guy is the one beside the computer.

I march over to him and grab him by the collar.

"What information is on this software?!", I get all in his face, to which he says "try harder". Challenge accepted. I throw him onto the ground and but my elbow to his neck with a gun to his head, and I repeat "what information?!", with a little more fierceness.

He's trembling as he says "ingredients, test results, just information!". I nod as I punch him in the face, leaving him on the ground as I remove the USB from the port. I attach a grenade to the computers and to a stash of serum behind a door.

"Right Terence, blow it when I say" I smirk as I go to leave when I'm met with a hard blow to the head, which sends me to the ground.

I look up to see who it is, and as my blurry vision corrects itself I see only one figure.
"Dusk. You couldn't just ask nicely no?" I wince.

He points a gun towards me. "Hand it over. Now".

"Not a chance, guns don't scare me fool" I  retort, before kicking him in the knee so he stumbles. I get back up and send a blast flying towards him, and he goes flying into the wall, his armor making a huge dent.

He quickly charges towards me and tackles me, and we smash through a glass door into the stash on serum, landing on the floor with a crash.

I grab my gun and hit him on the back of the head with it to get me some time to escape and blow the place up, but I feel a force push me into the wall. He's back up and ready to blast me again.

I dodge the first time, but the second time he gets me and grabs me by the neck and slams me onto the ground.

"Give it to me, or I will take it from your corpse".

He continues on, but my hearing goes fuzzy when all I can think of is that time at the library, when he thought he could control me like everyone else does. Well punk, I can get mad without Blackout to help. The anger spreads rapidly, and it quickly becomes rage.

With all my might, I push myself up and tackle him, punching his helmet with left and right fists, one after the other, almost into a rhythm.
I can feel my fists become heavy, but I can't stop now. With every blow, bits of his armor break away.

"Let's unmask you, you piece of shit!" I shout at him, as I deliver one final hit.

The face covering finally breaks and I grab his face to get a good look at him.

However when I see him, everything stops. The world starts moving slowly, and the rage that us just consumed my body has now turned into pain. My eyes widen and my mouth moves with nothing coming out.

"N-no.......that's not.....no......" I stutter as remove my hand from his face, tears welling up in my eyes and blurring my vision once again.

"D-dad?", is all I am manage to say.

He has the same dark hair, the same sharp jaw, the same eyebrow furrow, but his eyes.......they're dead, as if there is no emotion left at all.

He backs away slowly, and I'm still in shock. The tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"John Florez, it really is you" I laugh slightly, but the shock doesn't disappear.

He just stares blankly at me. Cold, harsh.
He gets up slowly and so do I. I reach out to touch his face, so I can truly believe it.

However, my wrist gets grabbed and twisted, making me let out a noise of anguish.

"I don't know any John Florez, you bitch" he snaps at me and throws me into the corner. He grabs a sample of serum, and marches towards me.

"Wait.......stop...." I plead, but he grabs me so he can get in my face.

"I will end you right here, right now".

I close my eyes tightly in anticipation of what will happen, but suddenly there's an explosion down the corridor outside the room.

I open my eyes and we both face the the door, only to see Stark in his glory suit, aiming for my dad.

"Let her go Sunset" Stark says.

My dad turns back to face me, still holding firmly onto me. Then he quickly whacks me across the head and drops me into the ground, jumping out of the window.

My eyes start to close lowly, as they droop heavier and heavier. I reach out slowly towards the window, whispering the word "Dad", before everything goes black.

Author's note:
• This quarantine has been so wild for many reasons, I even came out to my parents and that's still well......hdjdjdjdj
• So yeah I'm SO sorry my mental state has been so bad but I'm gonna get the next part up ASAP !!!!
• Make sure you're all signing petitions for BLM and the Yemen Crisis !! And also keep social distancing because the pandemic isn't over yet !!
• Stay safe everyone :))

Dusk // Peter Parker (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now