Part 9

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Peter POV

I had to go home because May was worried sick. I've barely slept, so I can only imagine how Ellie is.

It's been 2 days and not being able to see her has been killing me. I've been blocking out everyone, because I can't deal with anyone or anything right now.

"Señor Parker? Are you paying attention?" my Spanish teacher asks. Everyone, being the gawky teenagers they are, turn and stare at me, Flash sniggering.

My cheeks for red and hot. I'm almost invisible in school, and I like it that way.

"Yes sir" I mutter. He sighs.

"Stay focused" he says as he continues with the lecture, and bury my head back down.

After what seems like forever, class is over and I rush out. Finally it's the end of the day. I go to my locker and sort myself out to leave.

Suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder and I shout "HEY!", way too loudly. I turn around and it's only Ned.

"Jesus! No need to yell!" Ned exclaims.

"Sorry. I've got a lot on my mind" I mutter. He rolls his eyes.

"Don't we have something to discuss?!" Ned whispers loudly. I shrug to play dumb.

I don't want to do this now.

"Peter, I'm serious. You've barely spoken to me since the library thing, and Ellie has disappeared off the face of the earth! I think I deserve an explanation" he argues.

"An explanation about what?".

We both turn to see Liz Allen and the Decathlon team staring at us.

Ned and I smile freakishly at them.

"Oh! It's uh......about the thing....the...uh.." I stutter.

Liz rolls her eyes. "It doesn't matter. Are you guys coming to practice?" She asks.

Ned nods but I shake my head. Liz sighs and the rest of the team starts complaining.

"That's three times in a row you've missed practice. Nationals are in less than two months" Liz says, looking disappointed.

"I'm sorry Liz, but I can't. May needs me at home. I'll be there next week" I explain, hoping she takes the bait.

Liz nods and smiles softly at me. The rest of the team scowl at me as they walk past.

"Tell rat girl I said hey" Flash laughs as he strides by me. However, he trips over and drops his books. Michelle hurries by him.

"Hey! You stood on my shoes!" Flash exclaims.

"Your laces. You should tie them" MJ says, before looking at me briefly and continuing onwards.

I turn to leave but Ned stops me. "Peter! Are you forgetting something?!".

I look down at he ground. "Ned, I can't right now. Ellie is sick and she needs me. I'll speak to you soon" I say quickly before getting the hell out of there.

I make my usual journey to Avengers Tower, and run into Happy.

"Hey Happy, um, is Mr. Stark around?" I ask quietly.

He always has this scowl on his face whenever he talks to me.

"Peter, you know what he said. No visiting until 'he' contacts 'you'. He's still really busy".

I sigh and start pleading, "Please? Just ask him?".

Before he can say no, I see Mr. Stark behind one of the doors walking with a group of people, and start sprinting.

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